What Steemit has Done for Me Over the Last Year and what it Just Paid For!

in #thankyou7 years ago (edited)

I never expected to get so much out of a blogging or social network site. Before starting here last July, I rarely engaged with people online after years of getting bad tastes in my mouth or simply not feeling like I was getting out what I was looking for.

I hadn't written anything for at least ten years, preferring to be physically around people and get into impromptu conversational learning sessions where I could share my ideas, hopefully having people poke holes in them. This was how I got feedback and practiced articulating abstract thoughts which I could restate and refine with others over time.

Then along came Steemit...

We all know on some level, the ability to make money makes a difference. I joined up during the heyday of Steem being around $4, with posts earning tens of thousands of dollars and many comments easily making a grand. It was absolutely amazing to think that a makeup tutorial broke $30,000!

I know many don't like to say it, but seeing this much earning potential made me want to see what I could do to get in on that. Little did I know that it would end up with me getting my writing bug back, which continued regardless of payouts or share price, co-hosting a podcast which I'd never done (let alone thought of doing) before, worked on being social which isn't always the easiest thing for an introvert.

But here I am, almost a year down the road, with a rather long list of things that Steemit has either rekindled or created brand new sparks. Just off the top of my head:

  • I got back into writing shower-thoughs, psychology, and philosophy articles
  • For the first time ever, I started writing fiction
  • I learned about cryptocurrency (beyond just hearing or Bitcoin) and now I've been trading a couple months
  • I've met fantastic people with amazing talents
  • I've gotten to watch and sometimes take part with new projects
  • Started a podcast by talking into an old iPhone to now having professional equipment
  • Got to answer questions and help out new Steemit users in the mentor group
  • Setup game streaming for broadcasting personal and Steemit game nights

Steemit has been great at pushing me to do what I already did better and try out things that I'd thought about, but never tried pushing me out of my comfort zones!

Sure, not everything I tried was enjoyable or successful, but I'm thrilled to have broken out of my timid shell to have tried. Those things that I have found to be fun and interesting, give me more stuff to crack out on and continue ramping up with over time. It's hard to imagine how different my life would be right now had I not joined this place last year!

Thank you Steemit! I wouldn't be where I am today with you!

With all that being said, recently I pulled a little of my Steem earnings out to further the idea of progressing into new things and pushing my comfort zone. As you might have seen in my last post

I used this to grab a few lenses to play with for shooting flowers. I'd always loved seeing the macro shots of others on here and not I get to give it a try. It really give added perspective I'd not had prior when getting that up close to see the minute details.

But the more exciting purchase with my Steem Dollars is my first ever webcam. I've never been big on showing my face, preferring to just be audio. But with the same idea of using Steemit to push my boundaries it only seemed a fitting Steem Dollar purchase.

Over the next week you'll see the webcam put to use trying my hand at vlogging, letting me get back to my more conversational versus writing roots, as well as getting back into streaming some video games which I want to use to advertise Steemit itself, drawing in some more games. (Who doesn't love gamers! Lol.)

TL;DR: Thank you Steemit for letting me share and refine what I already did and push me to to try new things! Also, thanks for the Steem Dollars used to purchase my new phone camera lenses and my first ever webcam!

Keep Smilin' and Steem On!

Don't Miss the Show! Follow the Steemit Talk Podcast (STP) Account

New STP Website!!

Are you new to Steemit and Looking for Answers? - Try https://www.steemithelp.net.

Image Sources:
Fishbowl Quote
Comfort Zone Quote
Macro Flower Shot is by me
3 in 1 lens set


Congrats on the new stuff! One of these days I'm gonna power down and buy something :-)

Thank you! I'm pretty stoked on it.
These purchases were more from the liquid steem/steem dollars versus powering down, even though I did power down for a couple weeks not long ago. But that was more to move it into other crypto's to diversify a bit. I'd loved @kevinwong's post a while back of taking small portions of earned steem to try to make a more long term 'retirement' portfolio. Even if it doesn't make me a ton, I've learned so much since starting to trade a couple months ago.

That's smart I really should convert some steem into some of the other cryptos too. All I did thus far is pull out my initial fiat dollars in steem and have it back in bitcoin now.

I've got some in Bitcoin, some in some bigger alt coins, with tiny bits in smaller alt coins hoping they take off. I'm by no means an expert though.

So happy and thankful to have met you here, @sykochica. <3

Are you coming to the KC Meetup??

Thank you! I've been really happy to have met you on here too! I can't want for you to be on STP again as well. :)

Yep, I'm planning to be there in KC next month. Prior to getting my new job I wasn't sure, but now I'm confident I'll make it! :D

Great post. I believe my own story will be better someday. Thanks for sharing. It is like an energizer telling me to put in more effort.

Thank you!
It definitely takes a while to get the ball rolling. My first couple of months were rather tough on here payout wise, but persistence and continuing to engage and connect with the community will pay off in the long run. Imo it's a lot easier for new people on here now compared to many many months ago.

I'm sure you'll get there!

Congratulations, @sykochica. Your success is especially gratifying to read about, given your move, looking for a job, and other challenges you've had, too. Here's to your continued success on steemit and in life!

Thank you! All the support on here has been wonderful! It's definitely helped get through the 'down' times..as well as always having something 'productive' to do. lol

Just try to keep up with all there is to do related to Steemit, lol.

Lol...I definitely try to catch it all. Once I'm back to the the @steemittalk podcast (hoping this weekend) I can pass it along to others again.

I miss podcasting...been too long, but have been having to work weekends lately. But that's ending...yay!

Work sure gets in the way sometimes, doesn't it, lol. My own work has had me wrapped up for weeks -- so Steemit time has been so limited. Here's to your podcast return! It's great that you brought that to Steemit!

Stupid adulting! {insert temper tantrum here} lol
It's not that bad when the job is enjoyable though...that's for sure. Definitely cuts into the Steemit time, I feel you there. That's pretty much why I wasn't around for a month or so rather recently.

TY! Putting on a podcast wasn't anything I'd ever imagined doing, but now it's hard to imagine life without it. Only on Steemit! :P

I wonder how many people have used that phrase "Only on Steemit!" If fits for so many of us, lol. Here's to more Steemit pushing us to be and do more than we ever thought about! :D

You are welcome :D

100% true.Steemit pushes your creativity to new limits!
PS: shameless promotion of a contest on my page! join in.

Hehe, I'll check it out! :D

Awesome! XD

Thank you! :D

i will always be your fan and so so so glad you are back!

Thank you!
I've been thrilled to see you and your positivity projects take off on here in the last couple months. Sooo happy for you!

Hope you find good use for it. As for me, I will never buy a webcam nowadays. Most laptops should have them anyway. I know. You bought a HD 720p. Or, I could always use my Android phone as a webcam and here's how.

Thank you! Me too!
Yea, I know it's not for everybody. I did plan to use it for game streaming also, which I pretty much have to be on my computer for. I'll check out that app though for a more mobile option! TY!

You're welcome.

This is a huge milestone -- congratulations! I just followed you and am looking forward to reading Moreno of your work and watching your new vlogs. Good luck! I'm sure they'll be great. 😀

Thank you! It should be interesting trying to adjust back to that after being back in the writing and audio only (with @steemittalk podcast) for a while now. It'll will be strange to have the video going...actually having to make sure I'm presentable. Lol. Not something I want to do in pj's. :P