the secret of family happiness at 44 Steps

in #the7 years ago

secret of family happiness.jpgScholars, psychologists are constantly researching this topic, trying to find a happy family formula. Now, let's share the results of your research, scholars and psychologists' opinions, and share the secrets of family happiness in 55 steps:

  1. Short-cuts can strengthen family ties. Long separations can lead to family rupture. It is necessary to avoid long separations.

  2. For a happy family unity, the parties should know each other's psychology, structure and character. However, this can be far from the family's disparagement and rumor.

  3. No disagreement should be given for a long, steady day. It must be closed to sweetness as soon as possible.

  4. It is wrong to speak of past experiences and memories, whether it's an old fiancé or a former spouse.

  5. He must be extremely idealistic, he should live normally and miracles from the other side should not be expected.

  6. Comrades should express their love for each other on each occasion.

  7. Try not to be saddened; life should be viewed with persistent hope and should be smiling.

  8. Serious criticisms should be avoided in every small and large defect. Must be forgiving.

  9. Try to keep the dispute at its point of departure; should not be expanded to include another topic in the past. The initiative should not be missed.

  10. Inappropriate and unreasonable jealousy, doubt and doubt are devastating. You have to look at reality, do not act according to your desires.

  11. Encourage your spouse to trust both yourself and your self-confidence. Show him your trust.

  12. To be happy, it is not enough to marry a good marriage mate; you need to be a good companion.

  13. Cleanliness is half of faith and the basic condition of everlasting love.

  14. You may need to be flexible and to be flexible in some of the things that you consider to be an integral part of your life for a happy marriage with your spouse.

  15. Think about the good things that you want for your spouse, as well as for yourself.

  16. You also need to know how to get it. Must be selfish.

  17. Every male lady wants to do the best in all matters; he wants to be an ideal companion in the heat of the day with love and compassion like the sun. Every single lady wants her husband to have a strong, full-fledged personality who will meet all his needs. The parties should strive to keep this ideal standard.

  18. Accusation of a friend immediately in every difficulty and disadvantage in life; look at the topic fairly.

  19. The only surviving today is the caring of the past, the sadness of the past and the carelessness of the coming tomorrow. Try to live without the framework of facilities.

  20. You must know that the act of blasphemy is a sacred gardener and a promise to God. You should think about this a thousand times before taking a step you'll regret in the future.

  21. While love and affection are important and important for family life, you should not think that the family will just stop there. You also need to know that other features are also needed.

  22. You should exhibit behavior patterns against your spouse; You should also show good personality not only with your tongue, but also with your behavior.

  23. How come you should not allow neighbors and relatives to enter among you; Try to solve the problem of possible floor family problems yourself.

  24. Do not be quick to correct some of the things you see wrong in your spouse; There may be shortcomings that need time to change. Smaller mistakes do not need to be enlarged.

  25. You must accept the commitment and responsibility of marriage, with all your heart and with full confidence.

  26. You should be as careful as possible for reasons of dispute and controversy.

  27. Take time to do joint work with your spouse so that you can have happy memories ahead of you and bring you closer to each other.

  28. You have to give your spouse the opportunity to express themselves and develop their abilities freely. You should not make a mockery of any direction.

  29. Mailing rights should be respected and should never be neglected. This topic comes from the topic of discussion.

  1. As long as you do not share your spouse with foreign problems and grief, you should try to cope with it. But do not forget it in your joy.

  2. Consultation is an important principle in family life. Each of the comrades should feel at home in the family life and feel that they are not indifferent to one another.

  3. Family happiness depends not only on having problems facing a home, but also on coping with problems, limiting their reach, and negatively affecting their relationship with a marriage mate.

  4. Escaping the problem is still a solution to leaving home. Well, let's just start thinking about the problem immediately.

  5. Also try to remember the splendor and goodness of your spouse during a dispute; you should not give the opportunity to cover all the goodness of the directions you dislike.

  6. The sword will pass through, and the tongue will not be wounded. In family disputes, you have to be careful not to use hurtful words, or because of a small issue, you can completely lose your love and affection.

  7. The words "pride", "pride" are words used by Satan often as traps. During a dispute, the devil makes an excuse for the parties to the excuse and tries to close the door of reconciliation.

  1. You should be careful not to argue with your spouse or raise your voice with your spouse. Because children learn first by example. Such problems and solutions will place the child in the mind and will have a negative impact on the future.

  2. The lady must feel that her husband is an ideal personality deserving to be bound and proud of her.

  3. Give gifts to one another, that your love may grow and happiness and joy be yours in all respects.

  4. The smart lady must act in the right time to make her own and the behavior she wants to fulfill her needs and desires. Sometimes the appropriate time may be in line with what he thinks. He should think well.

  5. Do not crush your spouse with questions that do not interest you. You must not try to learn the secrets that you do not want to open.

  6. You have to take a corner at home and do not get used to living alone, you should be interested in your spouse as much as possible.

  7. A working woman should not forget that she is the home of the first responsibility area. He should know that his work is separate from the workplace.

  8. Should not be displeased when his wife's relatives come to visit. On the contrary, they should be welcomed and shown by example.