
There are many talents around us that cannot be expressed through blog posts, there are many that can only be expressed through videos. If someone captures a video of a beautiful moment and just wants to show it to everyone, then a video sharing platform is definitely needed and we can easily find the many talented ones here.

  • It will have complete freedom of expression.

  • Any amount of video can be uploaded every day.

  • There will be many categories, such as: art, cooking, travel,music, tutorials, sports, funny, educational, etc. In all these categories, the user will express his talent.

  • And one more feature should be that the policy allows an entrepreneur to show his product reviews and buy it if someone likes. It should be based on different countries.

  • There should be a private option, where a person can save a video of his memorable moment here.

  • There will be a point system according to the quality of the video and the amount of video. Rewards should be given to those whose points are highest at the end of each month. This will encourage content creators.

  • It should be made free worldwide so that everyone can express their talent through video

Thanks @steemcurator01, for your attention. There are many more rules and regulations that can be attached here, of course you know, but if there is such a platform, everyone here will be good at their talent.

It's an good idea but to established a video platform, it will take lot of server space and maintenance cost would be high .

That's true