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RE: 100 DAYS OF STEEM : Day 24 - Recruiting Steem Greeters

We need Meeters and Greeters.

Steem Greeters, as they will be badged, will be expected to go out looking for newcomers to the platform

I HAVE BEEN GREETING AND ONBOARDING FOR 2 years now, every single day, answering and guiding new people even with a free help Discord.

We reward the good introduceyourself posts not the APPICS and the 10 word count ones, the ones with sign and we sort out the abusers and the vote farm entries.

We do damn good!

The proof is on the blockchain! We, I never been rewarded for this but great that this is in here for me now.

So go and look at @heyhaveyamet or my blog and show the support that you talk about.

Offcourse I am available on Discord aswell
I am anxiously awaiting this new proces.

Britt the greeter ftom heyhaveyamet


My first post on Steemit was welcomed by you and I will never forget how it felt. You people do truly amazing work!

Let s become the generation of responsible travellers  — Steemit.png

Ciska   ciska  — Steemit.png
Thank you

You just made my day, this is so nice. I love the fact that you like what we are doing. And the invite for theterminal discord is still open if you want to join. For me and @JAMERUSSELL this is an a gem of a comment again, thank you

Nice to hear that! I just joined theterminal on discord, thank you! Hope you do well and that you enjoyed Woningsdag :D Grtjs

Thank you for all the efforts you did/do for newbies to the STEEM ecosystem!
@heyhaveyamet is an AWESOME project and I endorse your application to become official STEEM greeter.

@steemitblog: Please consider @heyhaveyamet as your STEEM greeter. This project is around for years and with help of Steemit they can provide even more value. It is important that new gems can be found in the mass, and that users with high potential get extra care and guidance. This project does that for you, its a no-brainer :D

I will find and upvote the rough diamonds selected by the greeters!

I see they did :D

You and @heyhaveyamet have definitely done good work. Thank you.

How do you follow up and keep in touch with newcomers after the initial introductions?

Will you or @heyhaveyamet be making an application post to be a Steem Greeter?

Thank you

The Steemit Team