100 DAYS OF STEEM : Day 22 - Friday Roundup & Friday Follows #3steemCreated with Sketch.

in #the100daysofsteem4 years ago

We are now heading into the fourth week of the 100 Days of Steem project and the pace is beginning to quicken.

The big advance of the week has been the announcement of the first group of Community Curators.

We also put out a post to brainstorm on future developments for Communities.

And we hosted three more very popular Challenges.

We are working on a couple more exciting initiatives that we hope to launch this coming week.

Stay tuned and have fun!

Friday Roundup

Another week, another seven posts. We hope you are all enjoying the project - we definitely are.

Someone in a comment asked what comes after the 100 Days Project. Our smart answer… the 1000 Days Project!

We definitely have plans for the months and years ahead - but to hear about those you will have to stay with us for the next 78 days at least.

In the meantime let’s catch up with what has happened this week...

The Community Curators Project

We were delighted with the response to the Community Curators Project. Over 50 applications were received - many more than we had anticipated.

Because of the large number of applications we were happy that we have been able to double the amount of delegation for the project and increase the number of Community Curator accounts from the planned four to seven.

With so many great applications it was a difficult choice but these are the Community Curators selected for May...

All the Community Curators need to confirm acceptance by midnight UTC on Monday, April 27.

We have so far heard from @roadofrich, @canna-curate, @project.hope, and @stef1. If anyone is in touch with the other three please do alert them to the need for confirmation.

The Weekly Challenges

There has been continued good participation in the Challenges - over 60 for the writing challenge and over 70 for the photography challenge.

We therefore added a third weekly challenge last Saturday - the Steem Diary Challenge...

There is still time to enter the current Writing Challenge - My Favorite Meal - that closes on Sunday...

And the current Photography Challenge - Fruit and Veg - that closes on Tuesday...

Friday Follows

We are definitely sensing a growing confidence in the community to come forward to make positive contributions to Steem.

People are stepping up to run events and contests, to build apps and tools, and to help tackle challenges the platform faces.

We offer our great thanks and support to everyone making these contributions. And we are also very grateful to the many, many Steemians who continue writing posts, making comments and voting on all the great content that is being produced day after day.

Under the banner of ‘Friday Follows’ we would like to highlight a few members of the platform that we have spotted doing that bit extra this past week...

@kiwiscanfly is stepping up to revive Steem Power Up Day / SPUD that is back again on 1 May with a whole range of great prizes…

@xpilar is running a great video competition - ‘The World of Animals’ - with 2000 STEEM in prizes...

If you enjoy sport check out @sportsncoffee’s long running daily Sports Trivia Contest…

New witness @steem-supporter have built a replacement for Steem.Chat…

@greenhouseradio are broadening out their weekly Steem Witness forum. They are now going to be running two - one on Sundays at 11am PST / 6pm UTC, and one on Mondays at 7pm PST / 2am UTC (Tuesday).

They are inviting all witnesses, community leaders and users to join in…

Steem on,
The Steemit Team


Hi @steemitblog

Thank you for promoting the competition

Looks like it will be a great competition.

The Steemit Team

Excellent work, go ahead without letting your guard down.

Steemit's success is our success!

Thank you for your support.

wow people are still using Steem? This is incredible there should be some kind of investigation into this phenomenon. Surely this kind of assemblage of people all suffering the same dissociative break from reality could be a very useful natural lab to test theories of mental illness. Wake up people, Steem is dead. Welcome back to the real world

Hello @carlgnash
Hehehe, I love that Steemit is back.
This week you can withdraw and buy my food, something I have not achieved for a long time. I am an older woman from Venezuela and I cannot leave home, you do not know how good it felt to be able to contribute something to my family to complete the food purchases. That is my real world. Thank you for your visit and comment.

@carlgnash there is no need to claim that anyone is suffering from a dissociative break from reality. Please take your petty accusations and go to Hive. We are free to make our decision. It is not irrational, and ad hominems are not going to change anyone's mind. You all seem to claim to be so morally superior. Why then must you resort to such childish tactics?

Wake up my friend, manners are not dead. Please be respectful, or leave.

What's rly incredible is that the amount of capital stored on Steem marketcap would just be doubled by just forking its blockchain. It's too easy to make money these days!

Thank you for your support, and for the translation.

The Steemit Team

There are ppl using Medium! paying to read articles that could be posted anywhere else, and posting on a portal that ppl have limited access to your content if they don't pay them to read it!

Translating into German - I hope I manage to do the current one later this day.

Thank you for the translation.

Hey @steemcurator01

Hindi translation is done for this post
100 दिन STEEM : दिन -22 - Friday Roundup & Friday Follows #3

From now afterward I will be posting my translation in different communities as I have less followers to get more users attention on my translation

That will be great, thank you.


Are those @dobartim's smarter cousins?

I was going to mention a thousand years, but you beat me to it :) 5 years is forever in crypto. If they cannot come up with even 5 original ideas then they will struggle with 1000.

Thank you for constant and ongoing communication from your team to steem community and all the support. Looking forward to the next good news from your team. Good day!

Your Hive account and stake are there and waiting for you on a platform that isn't being censored nor denying transactions from its largest legitimate stakeholders. Not sure why you're praising the people that attacked Steem.

I'm aware of those conflicts between those in power. I'm just a regular user who wants to casually blog/socializing and having fun also earn crypto while doing it. Hive is good too, it's just I'm not a quality content author like most of them over there are. I feel steem is suiting me fine,for now. Wish you well ❤

I've seen your posts, they're nice! I just followed you on HIVE.

hi, @marki99 thank you. I was testing esteem apps.

Don't neglect it tough.. your stake over there is currently worth nearly $6000. That's a lot of money :)

I didn't neglected my stake given generously by the hive fork. I delegate them via dlease and get daily hive for it. Thank you for including me in the airdrop hive fork team.

Well now that HIVE is worth over twice what STEEM is, Hive rewards will ramp up to be higher than Steem's quite soon. So no matter how you feel about what you share, you're more likely to earn more crypto at Hive. And generally the real Steem community, which has moved to Hive, tends to upvote people more who don't crosspost to Steem. Food for thought.

Wow that's good news for Hive. I hope both steem and hive will prosper and coexist to complement each other. I think both chain have their own unique features and niche for user to utilize.

But there's no point in continuing the farce of Steem when it's a centralized mess being run by scumbags who are freezing people's stake.

... on a platform that isn't being censored ...

In sarcastic mode I would reply: "On a platform that isn't being censored ... as long as you don't dare to diasagree with @berniesanders ..." :)

Right, you may argue with me now about the definition of censorship but for the average user being harrased by a whale these subtleties don't really matter.

While STEEM may be kind of a monarchy these days, HIVE is an oligarchy, where a few whales determine the top witnesses and 'create' the trending page by means of their upvotes.
Is HIVE better? Maybe (maybe also a matter of taste and priorities). Is it perfect? Not at all.

I wish the best for both blockchains (especially for the small and middle sized users who build the real core of every community, and who aren't here to make politics and lead wars) and hope they can eliminate their specific weaknesses over time.

May you remain forever in your Lord emperor's favour.

Lol, and I hope you never get involved in flag wars with the wrong whales. Lest that not to happen better keep praising HIVE. :)

I know that was sarcastic, ... as was your reply: I need neither a "Lord", nor an "emperor". So what was your point again?

I encourage you to read the Steem whitepaper (which now basically serves as the Hive whitepaper, as Steem has been effectively destroyed as a useful blockchain)

Actually, I think the concept of HIVE is rather fascinating and at least in theory comes closer to real decentralization than most other projects. In your position I would focus on improving HIVE instead of squabbling with people who decided to stay with STEEM (also these persons have their reasons). The best way to convince anybody is to show how good HIVE works.

I am happy to be part of HIVE, but that doesn't mean to close my eyes when it comes to certain facts, for example that many (most?) of its 'top witnesses' and 'leaders' are either early miners, former bidbot owners or their friends. Being an early miner doesn't automatically imply to be a "bad" person but we should be aware of that when discussing the 'decentralization' of HIVE.
This is getting even worse by the fact that quite some big accounts on HIVE don't spread their votes among many different people but support a few friends only.

From the point of view of a 'small, average' user who just want to post and is happy to earn some money (just read for example the comment of @cryptokannon) currently STEEM with its different challenges and projects like the one of @knitrias could actually be the better option. We may regret that but when talking about "mass adoption" at the same time we are talking about the typical faceboook user who just doesn't care much about politics, censorship resistance, decentralization and blockchain technology.
He also doesn't care about the past and the wars between millionaires who are fighting with each other.

In my eyes there could be two different niches for STEEM and HIVE. STEEM could appeal to users who just want to socialize, post (also casual stuff) and earn some money. It also focuses the Asian market. HIVE could be the choice for crypto enthusiasts, idealists, open source developers and the platform of many fascinating dApps.

That's why I suggest you to focus on making HIVE better and better while others try to improve STEEM. I would like to see a coexistence of and a peaceful competition between HIVE and STEEM (that's what the big majority of 'normal' users who haven't grown up in a secret witness slack prefer). :-)

In these times when many more social platforms based on the blockchain technology are growing fast is pointless to keep the absurd war between these two. We can't avoid the fact that the majority of the users have an account in both, lets encourage everyone to post wherever they want. Nobody has the thruth and less in the situation that we live in the conflict that result in the fork!!
Thank you very much for your mention and support for @Knitrias!! I'm just hoping to enjoy and learn a lot of things with all the Members!!
Best wishes, @Jaki01!!

In my eyes there could be two different niches for STEEM and HIVE. STEEM could appeal to users who just want to socialize, post (also casual stuff) and earn some money. It also focuses the Asian market. HIVE could be the choice for crypto enthusiasts, idealists, open source developers and the platform of many fascinating dApps

I think you're right about that. Thank you for sharing your thoughts and observation with us.

Too much navel-gazing - if people ony used half the time they tell each other how great Steem/Hive/whatever is for using said blockchain, showing why, showing what you can do there...

Funny you should say that @pfunk considering that 90 percent of the transactions on the Hive blockchain are fictional. Go back, and look at any transaction from before March 20th. Since the accounts were all zeroed out, all of those transactions were effectively voided, though the blockchain still records them as occurring.

Where are the author rewards from this transaction? The hive blockchain says they exist. I can't seem to find them.


Just in case you forgot, here is the definition of blockchain from an article by Marco Iansiti and Karim R. Lakhan on the Harvard Business Review:

blockchain is an open, distributed ledger that can record transactions between two parties efficiently and in a verifiable and permanent way.

It seems that 90 percent of Hive's transactions are not permanent thanks to the airdrop, so I would ask: which blockchain is "effectively destroyed as a useful blockchain"?

The transactions were recorded permanently. So were the witness votes, which decided which accounts were honored in the fork. and which not

Yes, yet the transactions are no longer accurate. If they were, I would have enough money to pay for two years of college (a pressing issue for me). We had over 55,000 Steem acquired from legitimate transactions. If those Hive transactions are to be taken seriously, then we were robbed of that stake.

Hive can't have its cake and eat it too my friend.

The transactions happened on steem. A fork is a break with changes, old rules get changed, new ones implemented. The rule for which balances move to the new chain excluded your account.

Hive can't have its cake and eat it too my friend.

If you say so.

They're there and real, but Hive was launched with proportional airdrops to everyone on Steem except those who used their stake irresponsibly to support the attack on Steem.

Everyone has to live with their poor decisions, me and you are not exempt.

There are two options here:

they're there and real

In this event, the airdrop is really stake that previously existed in the blockchain's transactions. In that case, my father and I were robbed of 30 thousand dollars. If those transactions truly are legitimate, they are living proof that we, along with 300 other users, were robbed.

The other option is that the transactions have been voided.

In this event, the blockchain is not legitimate because it is not an accurate ledger (the one thing a blockchain should be).

On the one hand, the hive blockchain (and those who created it) has publicly robbed over 300 users.

On the other hand, the hive blockchain is not a legitimate blockchain.

Pick your poison. Perhaps the best decision would have been to leave damnation to God, and stand behind the principles that Hive claims. We did not vote for centralization, but Hive shot itself in the foot (I hope it hit an essential artery) by assuming that we did.

Thanks for the Mention -- Finally you removed the link , But i guess you should also put the new one i.e http://steemchat.online (Both on Steem.com and the steemit hamburger )

hope to see that soon


Applying for Delegation to fight against abuse

Please pump like hive