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RE: Just another bluff post (plus IMPORTANT Fireflies and Monkee info for those that care!)

in #thealliance6 years ago

oh this is just the end of it. LOL the last 3 days was the brunt of it - but I've accepted and have peace! :) Life goes on, and we all have lessons to learn. Life is that way! :)

but make sure you give me a name for the monkee! hehehehe you know me... i want to leave the way I spent my time! FUN


It sure caused a ruckus over at the alliance castle on Discord.

it did.... but... that's just what happens when people love too hard ;)

I was there to feel the emotions run high. I had to step back and look at this clinically or I'd just come apart. You know. Kubler-Ross model; Denial, Anger, Bargaining and Acceptance witnessed on a community level. Simply amazing to see. Sharing is so therapeutic I say It's one of those Nursing skills.

Yes... I was only there for about 5 minutes in between my shower and work! Lol just enough to tell him that I loved him..that i knew it was coming from hurt... And that my stance is unchanged for the reasons I had already mentioned.

Time heals... He asked for forgiveness the next day also.

I told him he was forgiven that night.
