😈Told You Once You Son of a Bitch - Now Gimme My Fiddle of Gold🎻

in #thealliance6 years ago (edited)

Disclaimer - Don't remember it all, this is how my brain relayed it. LOL!

The Onset

Prior to heading down to the 'Heavenly' cabin in Blue Ridge, Georgia, I made a 3 hour (drive time) detour to go see @thekitchenfairy in Nashville. So glad I did too. She is a great hugger and just as sweet in person as she is online! Plus, it turns out this was her first time ever coming to the United States so in a way, I kind of welcomed her to the country and invited to her to come back. You could even see the Batman tower from where we were sitting on the hotel restaurant's patio LOL! Coincidence?

My Room

Getting there prior to anyone else, I had the option of choosing which room I wanted to stay in for the 'retreat'. I checked out one that had a Native feel to it, and another that was more down home but the one I settled on, was just too right. Reminded me of the @welcomewagon! So, had to represent and hole up in there. Check it out:

The Serenity

Getting there before everyone else also left it insanely quiet, peaceful. On the deck were a few lounging wicker recliners and they beckoned me to have a seat. I just sat there, taking in the mountain air and really enjoyed (but also missed) the quiet background of no screaming kids. True, we have our fun, but on a daily basis, there are at least one or two instances of disagreement that get to driving me nuts. I looked long at the ridgeline and decided if no one was there in about 10 minutes, I was taking a nap.

Enter @katrina-ariel

No sooner than my body said, ok, nap time, I hear some tires negotiating with the rocky drive that eventually leads to the cabin. I knew it was my princess. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach at the thought of the 'reunion' because she left quite the impression when she came to Nashville and hung out with me and mine. Luna and Khaldeesi say hi by the way. If Freya could talk, I'd say she would have said something along those lines too. But, first thing was first and I gave her two hugs, one for the fam, and one selfishly taken.

Canadian Silver

How do you top a gift like that? Again, thank you Katrina. Not sure what to say about that. All I got you was some honey and that was on a whim while I was picking up groceries. I'm a horrible gift giver. Even when I know a person, I don't want to disappoint them so I rarely hand them out. At Christmas and Birthdays, I always hand out money. Money and honey rhymes doesn't it?

Naked Cows

That just cracked me up. She knows I love jerky and shared some of this with me. The name though! Naked Cow? Talk about buy it just because it has a cool name! And then what really got me (aside from the extraordinary flavor) was the description below the title. Read it, seriously. No udder stuff, OMG I was rolling as she finished setting her room up.

Enter @sircork

Katrina and I had a good catching up conversation and really just soaked in the calm of it all. Time slowly crept away from us and realized Cork was due any minute. The sun had already set, daylight was waning and soon we heard the rocky drive alerting us of a newcomer to the cabin. Having spent several hours in a vehicle, the excited Rey-Rey and Thor sniffed around while we got reacquainted with Cork. He decided just to unpack tomorrow and relax the rest of the night with us and grabbed a guitar. The rest of the evening was just that. Relaxing.

Words With Witty

Sweetest of the Princesses made me eggs and toast to start the day. I don't know why, but Cork kept winking at me. LOL! And then the water. I felt pretty loved that weekend, no lie. The ladies all present took better care of me than I could have ever asked for or probably deserved as they kept me well hydrated and fed. But, I feel we all slept well and after a good breakfast, I set up down in the rec room for a Words With Witty episode. I did cut it a little short, as some other guests were arriving, and you can hear that happen in this:

Enter @ameliabartlett & @hobotang

It was about 15 minutes after the stunning live performance Katrina put on for us that they arrived. Was really neat when they showed up as it was right in the middle of my talk show adding a splendid flair. Cork's dogs started barking and I got even more excited. Amelia came down and said hello world and gave me a hug and shortly after, Tang came down and did the same. Good for them to get out and enjoy some good company for a bit. They both have some unique perspectives on things.

The Real HoboTang & Gallow

Amelia and Tang brought their doggies with them. One is some kind of some breeds, I don't even know, but he's a little sweetheart. I forget what you two said he was but gotta be some terrier in there somewhere, the head is just too reminiscent not to be. That is the real HoboTang. And then Gallow, an aging Grey Hound who just loves to run. He dug his heels in the field out there and ran like I've never seen. Was actually my first experience seeing a Grey Hound run in person. Love the way they bob their heads, almost like a horse.

Enter @instructor2121

Now this guy, I imagine I will be seeing most frequently of all the STeeMPeePS out here. He is the one that has a team of developers working to build our new @chain.games video game community. Generous and light-hearted as they come, we've also got a silent understanding. We both know we've been through some serious shit in our lives and not much beyond that needs to said. He also brought his boys out and they had a chance to unwind over the weekend. After 3 bottles of wine, you tend to get to know somebody a bit LOL!

Enter @papacrusher

Of all the people that came out, he was the one I was most unfamiliar with. He got on the thread while I was posting about it and said he wanted come out. I said hell ya, the more the merrier. Rick and I were already a bottle in to the wine I had bought about the time he showed up Friday. It was already dark, and I had just finished devouring and parsing out some steak. I love red meat. Jerky or steak, I don't know. Maybe it satiates some primal bloodlust in me. But Big Papa here was really cool! He shared a few stories as we broke the comfort zone and got to know everyone.

Me and Cork

It was a long night Friday, lot of excitement and laughs and just bonding. One in particular, was good ol Corky. He and I stayed up right until the sun decided it was going to reappear. Him and I and Rick all watched the episode of Hots or Shots @jonny-clearwater aired that day and just laughed our asses off. Being there live and seeing the edits were totally different. But Cork and I had a good heart to heart. Once you get past all the bullshit he's had to deal with, guy really is a sweetheart.


Everybody slept in and we all deserved to. That was the intention behind it all, just to come and relax and be merry. I was up in time for the Witness Chat though that @shadowspub hosts every month. Was an interesting one to say the least. Once that was finished, Katrina and Cork set up for their recording session, Amelia and Tang explored the premises, Rick took a long overdue nap, and @papacrusher and I, well. We went fishing. Didn't catch shit, even smacked a few in the head, but they were just not interested in what I was throwing out there. When I got back, Amelia and I dropped a few balls in the pockets of the pool table. You can hear us on @sircork's reveille video of Katrina.

Saturday Night

Enter @crescendoofpeace

I honestly don't remember exactly when it was she got there. I do remember offering to help with a few things to unload. She brought a mass array of instruments and even some home made liquor that was just delish! Hickory smoked maple brandy or something, fuck was it good. In my younger days, I'd of killed at least half of one of those pints. And Cori, the girls love the glockenspiel! You gotta see these, an owl flute, a Tibetan bowl, various panpipes, was really cool:

Enter @michaeldavid

For those that don't know, #thealliance was born in a conversation I had with this guy a little over a year ago. Granted, some nasty shit happened and he stepped into the background, but I came up with the name and idea while talking to him. I guess then, he can be considered a co-founder, as he has never actually left and still supports us in various ways. To finally meet him after a whole year was enthralling. So glad he could make it. Was like reading your favorite book a second time and thinking, how did I miss that part???

Speaking of Parts

These next two pictures really say a lot to me. They show just how comfortable everybody was and the overall good feeling of comradery that was achieved. You can see Cork and Cori discussing the Brandy as I sat at the nook. Katrina and Amelia began a Yoga session. The others just chilled in the living room and swapped stories. You want to know something neat? The TV didn't come on the entire time - except to help appease Eldon and assist in mixing Katrina's music. That tells you no one was bored of each other, gotta love it.

Fuck That Goat

I don't know what John and Mary are really like, but I do know they have a goat fetish. Two of the ones that stood out just cracked me up and I had to get a few pictures of them. Hope you don't mind LOL

Was a Blast!

Though oddly more comfortable than I have been in many years, I didn't sleep much that night. Kept having these visions of penguins. Don't ask because I couldn't tell you anyway. Honestly didn't want to leave. Some of you I won't see for awhile, some of you live just up the road! I really hope everyone enjoyed their stay at least as much as I did. There will probably be a few local meets before the next big planned one in...Colorado? Talk to me my peoples.


It really was an amazing time and I enjoyed getting to know everyone. Can't wait for another one close enough for me to attend!

I'm so glad you came up. Getting to know you through fascinating conversation was one of the highlights of my trip. 💖

Hoping to do one in Chattanooga or even here soon and get up with the Knoxville peeps and Nashville peeps before the year is out so I'll need my bodyguard there.

Chattanooga would be epic! Just let me know and I'll check the schedule.

Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold

The treat , retreat some selfish hugs...and more...you made me meet each one of them...anyone left ???

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Plenty my man, still have a long way to go :)

You are correct 👍

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh oh oh! That just sounds like the most glorious time together ❤️ Thank you so much for sharing it with us through your post! I now have an "Alliance" savings jar at home, and aim to save that plain fare to come and join you all one year :)

I'm so glad you had such a wonderful time, that good food, friendships and hugs abounded.
E x

YAY!!! Love the Alliance savings jar. What a great idea. lol! I would sooooooooo love to meet you in person and give you an honest to goodness (((hug))). ;-)

I'd love to meet you toooooo <3 I'd give you the biggest hugs. Can't wait! It may be years... but it's going to happen :) E x

Hecks ya sweets! It is the goal to go to at least 2 different countries next year and the UK is on the list to be tossed around with several others ;)

WOOP! I look forward to it. Imagine the hugs and giggles!
I'll be coming over to your side of the pond before you know it. I'm determined :)
E x

What a savage title that turned out to be a supercool meet up
So did the goats say anything? haha

No, little turds just kept taunting me LOL

Hopefully you appeased them with this 5 minutes to fame that’s locked into the blockchain forever more

Looked like it was a real fun time for all you guys :)

Hecks ya! Wish you were there!

Hopefully later next year i am planning to visit the US i have a couple cousins over there that i haven't seen for awhile and maybe catch up...Cheers :)

Supasweet! Whereabouts? Maybe we can coordinate something😀

That would be awesome they live in Connecticut i am sure we can sought something out when i get over there later next year...Cheers :)

I am so glad you got more pics than I did. lol! I pretty much unplugged all weekend and enjoyed the amazing company. Thanks for bringing so many memories back in this post! I love the photo of us with Amelia and Tang, and seeing Micheal-David's smiling face just makes me happy. I'd like to hug Cori again already, and dammit I wish SirCork was down the road from me so I could wander over every time I want to record something... or just have a laugh.

You made me cackle with your title. I will now have "Devil Went Down to Georgia" in my head all day. Gotta practice "Georgia on my Mind" some more. And you're welcome for the silver. Honey and money are always good, eh? ;) Please tell the princesses hello for me, and give em a group hug from me and the boys.

Thank you for bringing us all together! 💖

HA HA! I could not resist, just kept beckoning me :P I surely will pass hugs along love. As for bringing us all together, wish I could do it more often! Many fond memories taken home from this one :)

LOL, I know what you mean, @katrina-ariel, I normally all but live with a camera in my hand, and I managed to not get a single shot! Damn!

Better planning next time. And hugs right back atcha! ;-)

And @enginewitty, I didn't realize you were leaving when you did, or you would have had a bottle of the hickory syrup liqueur to take home with you, as I'd intended. Katrina said that Cork was going to the bank and back, and somehow I got the idea that you were going with him.

So there's a bottle of liqueur with your name on it when next we meet. Good thing you don't live far! And you're absolutely right - it really is reminiscent of a brandy. And I'm so glad that your princesses like the glockenspiel. I figured they were about the perfect ages for it. ;-)

I am SOOOO glad I came! Everyone I met was awesome, and like you, I haven't been that comfortable in a group of people, particularly a group where technically it was the first time I'd met anyone, in a long, long time. Thanks so much for bring all of these amazing people together in one fabulous place.

Supasweet! That stuff was amazing. 🤗😊

I like this post pretty photos follow me.

You're pretty too man LOL

Aw ain't that sweet.

Bless your heart :)

Super fun time!! Eldon probably put the penguins in your head. His favorite joke is "whats black and white, black and white, black and white? A penguin rolling down a hil" (and his many variations lol).

Awesome to finally meet you bro...

And eveyone else! :)

Lmfao ya probabaly was Eldon, he has some interesting outlooks on life.

Thanks my man.Wish I could have been there !! A great Post with so much great stuff going on. And just great vibes !!

So great in fact that I just had ,well drum roll please, inform you your the newest ...


And even better yet , you are Recipient of the Weekly Dolphin Support Initiative (DSI) brought to you by yours truly ;)

Don't know what the Weekly DSI is check it out
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Kick ass thanks brotha! I be sure to do some high qualities for ya this week :)