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RE: Freedom isn't Free (Zoinks!)

in #thealliance7 years ago

At this point, my personal and carefully considered position is that if they jail all the people involved in crypto, it's going to be a lovely hang out and I will get to run as many RPGs as I want, all day long, while being fed on the government dime and kept up in a relatively decent style. After all, it's merely white-collar crime.

We'll call it "Crypto-Con 2025", order in a ball pit, have the place catered, and really make Guantánamo the beachfront resort it was always meant to be.


you had me at a ball pit, can we have glitter drops and glow sticks, I'm effn' down for that

Glow-sticks, sure, but glitter drops will just infect us all with Crafter's Herpes. That shit never stops appearing places.