A Little Advice From A Little Fish To A Little Fish: Learn From The Newbie Mistakes I Made

in #thealliance6 years ago (edited)

Hi Steemians!! I hope the Steemforce is with you!

Ok, I'm a dork. It's been a long time since I wrote an installment to this series. As an active blogger since last September, I now have 1095 followers, and have made 2132 posts (including comments). This averages to about 1 follower for every 2 comments. My reputation is 59, and my account is worth a little over $1000. Not bad, but alas, I'm still a little fish. ;)

I guess I would rate myself as someone who falls down the middle. I am moderately successful here, and there is always room for improvement. I believe some actions I neglected to take in the beginning have hurt my growth though, and I would like to share these newbie mistakes with you with the hope that you won't follow in my footsteps.

Newbie Mistake Number 1: Not Learning Markdown

I went months and months only knowing how to italicize. Make your posts interesting and coherent by learning how to make a header, how to post a link with one word, how to properly quote someone, ect. Here is an excellent markdown guide I just saw last night, posted by @blackliberal.

Newbie Mistake Number 2: Lack of networking.

When I first started out, I treated Steemit much like Facebook, I hit that upvote button every time I saw something I liked, and I often didn't comment. I wrote articles that I thought were quality enough to draw others to them. I thought quality posts were strong enough to stand on their own merit. They aren't. When I realized I needed to make connections, I was like a confused octopus reaching out in haphazard ways. My actions were pretty random. I didn't make very many lasting connections this way.

Then I joined discord. The most popular group on discord is PAL, but the sheer number of people there intimidated me. If interacting with thousands of random people doesn't scare you, here's the invite to join them.
Chat rooms generally intimidated me at first, but I was tired of being a lone wolf. I joined @thealliance a few months ago, and it changed everything! @thealliance stretched me to get out of my comfort zone. They are a group of about 200 people who love and support each other on Steemit and discord. A number I can handle, not to mention the members there are fantastic! If you create quality posts, and think you would fit into our family-like atmosphere this post shows you how to join! I also have found excellent likeminded people in the @familyprotection community, @theresistance community, and I'm starting to get to know people in the @informationwar community.

My point here is find your people! They are out there, I truly believe there is a group for everyone here!

Newbie Mistake #3: Not finding A Niche

This goes hand in hand with finding your people, but I'd like to elaborate on it. There's a balance here. If you're all over the place on your blog, it may alienate your followers. If you only do one thing, you may bore your followers. When I was a beginner, I wrote about all sorts of random stuff, but I find that I'm more successful when I narrow it down slightly. At this point I have settled into an enjoyable pattern of writing for @familyprotection, @theresistance, as well as @informationwar type articles. I also include posts in which I just share my life, as well as a pinch of poetry, opinion, and advice. I'm not a great photographer, I'm not a cryptojunkie, I'm not a painter, I'm not a homesteader or gardener, so why stretch myself in those directions? I'm a writer! If you're new, be patient with yourself, and explore what you are good at!

Newbie Mistake Number 4: Not Voting For Witnesses

This doesn't help or hurt my account, but I went a long time not really knowing or caring about witnesses. Now I realize how important they are to the survival of the blockchain. I still have some slots to fill, so if you think of a witness who deserves a vote, tell me who and why in the comments. So far I've voted for @timcliff, @aggroed, @pharism, @blocktrades, @drakos, @yabamatt, @ocd-witness, @sircork, @thekitchenfairy, @enginewitty, @guiltyparties, @krnel, @dropahead, and @steemgigs. That leaves me with 16 votes remaining.

Newbie Mistake Number 5: Not Being Consistent

There were times when I just fell off the face of the earth, and it really hurt me. Every time I took a break, I would lose followers. Several months ago I was benefiting from a curation trail that upvoted all my posts about $1.60 in value. After taking a break for a couple of weeks, I came back, and was no longer on their list of people to upvote. They never came back either. Now I am pretty good at authoring at least one post everyday. I hope you are able to be consistent as well.

So, if you've been here for a while, what newbie mistakes did you make? Do you have any pointers you would like to share with new Steemians? Comments welcome!

Thanks for reading this installment of A Little Advice From A Little Fish To A Little Fish. Remember, I'm a little fish too, and we're in this together! :)

Love, snowpea ❤



Dropped you a free 100% vote :]

Love your stuff.

That's awesome, what an honor! Thank you so much @minnowpond!! :D

Very insightful and useful. I would add to buy some Steem and power it up when you are ready to make a serious time commitment to Steem. My friend @wizardofcheeze needs to take this advice. :)

Highly encourage you to write in @jatinhota for witness. He is fam and if not for him, I wouldn't even be a witness.

Your posts - my fav is when you show off the family like the movie nights 😎 and in line with that, if anyone sees this comment and are curious about niches, just BE YOU, the rest will fall into place.

Ah, yes, @jatinhota. I've been meaning to vote for him. Thanks for the reminder! It's always fun to share what the family is up to. I'm glad you enjoy it!

This is extremely good advice! All of these points are incredibly important I think. Consistency and Networking I think are up there at the top. Community engagement/making friends on here is critical to getting people to see and interact with your own content.. and the consistency; I had that once too.. I went on a trip (to the maldives) where I didn't post for a week (limited internet at sea) and it definitely hurt me .. I lost almost all my momentum (and some followers), even though I had made many posts explaining what I was doing and when I'd be back.. and then some of my regular readers stopped checking my blog for updates also.

Your advice is absolute gold!

Thank you @fiftysixnorth!! Yes, that's the worst feeling when you lose followers because of inconsistency. Sometimes life takes us away for a while, and people just drop off like flies without even asking why we're gone. Then there's writer's block and people leave when that's happening too- like today I have no idea what to write about! 😱 Thank you for calling my advice absolute gold!! That's one of the greatest compliments I've ever received!!! ❤

One of the reasons for that I think is that steemit has so much content you literally drown in it, so if you forget even briefly about someone whose writing you like you may never see them again.
You are absolutely welcome, just telling it as it is :) Gold! :)

This is all very good information. I'm about at the same steemit level as you (so to speak) as i'm only a few months older in Steemit age. My first interaction with you was seven months ago when you downvoted my comment because you thought I was calling you empty headed. @ironshield

Chalking that one up to growing pains too. Sorry about that. 😅

No problem @snowpea. These days I do understand a bit better some of what you've been through. Keep those kiddos safe. @ironshield

Wow, I don't remember downvoting you lol! I do remember being really embarrassed after you explained what you meant by the GIF though.

One thing that's for sure is that I never forgot you after that happened, and I'm glad there were no hard feelings because I really like you and your wife. :)

Thanks for this great post!!!! I'll be adding it to our reference materials for the @welcomewagon!!!!

Great job @snowpea! :)

Thank you @dreemsteem! :) I just looked at your new project, and what a great idea!

I am at the same stage you were some months ago I guess...lately I have been reflecting on what I did wrong and what I did right.

Great points on networking and voting for witnesses, I will check out some to vote for today.

Thank you!

Nice tips!
I'm somewhere between the beginning and the middle of my journey here as well and hope to do as well as you :-)

Excellent advice my friend. We all need a brush up. LOL Thanks @snowpea.

I think you covered the most important topics that most beginners are struggling with.

I definitely made mistake #1 - had no idea about the markdown.
#2 - I think I was quite good at this but there's always new people to meet and interact with.
#3 is something I'm still working on even after being on this platform for more than a year. :D
#4 - just got interested in voting for witnesses, so far I have only voted for @curie and @adsactly but I'll check out people from your list. :)
#5 - in these 14 months on Steemit, the longest I've been away is 12 days in a row. Sometimes I don't feel inspired to write every day but I try to come and read posts/leave comments at least.

What I love about Steemit is that we are constantly learning and growing, I don't think anyone can come to the point of "now I know everything/now I have it all". Thanks for sharing this post and reminding me of that. <3