Harp On - Willy G - Termite World-Wide Jam Round 26
Yo! Im back with another Termite World-Wide Jam Entry!!
I havent written anything in over a week, so as I say I might sound a bit rusty, haha!
I apologise in advance for my dirty assed wall in the background of one of the shots, lol.
Shout out to Termite for keeping the Jam rocking, and to everyone taking part, Respect!
For more Willy G shit, check out my Wordpress Blog Site below!
When you switched up the flow, I was digggginnnn it... Dude, you gotta come with those flow switch ups more, it rides so nice brother. Dope piece man!
Thanks James lad, I will defs come with those slow flows more often, my mind just goes into overdrive when im writing I gotta slow it dowwwn lol
Glad you enjoyed it!
I really like the contrast between our entries. I was doing a more laid back Rakim style, you went G Rap, Big Pun on it lol
haha, yeah man I actually wrote the first half to random youtube vids playin, then when i switched to listenin to the beat thats when it got more laid back, with the slower flows lol
im a slave to the big pun style multis though haha
Lmao I completely understand that. I love that style too, it's sometimes a challenge going slower:)
for definite man, I would love to master that melodic slow flow style 50 Cent has though, that shit sounds good!
GRODT is a classic, wish 50 can give us something like that again. Guess you can say that about many artists, guess the motivation fades over time
yeah definitely man, i think once artists get the fortune and fame the money changes them , theyre not hungry anymore then
Doesnt sound rusty at all man!!!!!! This is too sick!! flow is on point all over!!!!!! cypher King round 26!!!!!!!!!!!

Haha nice one man!! I appreciate it bro
Cheers druid man!!