The Diary Game | 4 April 2021 | Season 1| My first entry | A normal day with my bed
Hello everyone , welcome to my first Dairy post entry . This is my first entry in 'The Dairy Game '. My friend suggested to me about it so i am here .
First of all I hope all of you guys are fine and stay healthy in this pandemic time . I am Rajat From India and here is my today routine.
Today, my whole day was like a normal day, I spent most of the time in my bed from morning till evening. This morning I woke up a little late. In the morning I was awake at 9 am then I went to my steemit account and reviewed my last post and read some post for 2 hours. Then at about 11am. I left my bed and was fresh and brushed and after that I had breakfast. I ate biscuits with tea in breakfast. Later, i went to my bed again. I wrote a post on steemit for 1 hour and after that I ate lunch at 2 pm.
chapati made by my mother
My mother made chapatti in food. After that, I studied for 2 hours.
After that I used my phone little bit . After that I did workout and I had dinner at 9 o'clock. After a short walk, I went to my bed to sleep again at 9:30pm.
That was how I spent my 4th of April 2021. Thanks guys for visiting my first diary post entry.