It's Been a While, Steemit...I'm Back!

Hey everyone! It's been such a long while since I last posted anything, or honestly even since I last visited this site. I kinda fell off the wagon for a bit and have been going through some crazy stuff so I guess writing kinda fell onto the backburner for a while. But lately I've been thinking about about the things that I am truly passionate about in life, the things that truly set my soul on fire, and writing is something that has always been one of those things for me. So I'm gonna try to get back into writing on a regular basis, and I figured what better place to do that, than on Steemit.

Anyway, I just got back from Electric Forest, so I'm probably going to be writing a few pieces on my experiences out there. Stay tuned...hopefully I can start writing regularly again.


I actually thought of you just yesterday, and wondered what might be going on with you! Good to see you pop back in again!

I'm trying to post a story now but it keeps saying RPCError: Missing required posting authority. What does that even mean?!? lol I managed to post this post perfectly fine...

There might be a hidden special-character of some sort in the body of your post. I would suggest copying the whole text and past it into NOTEPAD on your computer. Then, CANCEL the post you're writing, start a new post, then re-COPY the stuff from NOTEPAD. Let me know if this works or not!

You were right, there were some weird characters in the body of my post; I guess my Notes app that I typed the story up in automatically converted three periods into an actual singular ellipsis character and that's what was tripping up the post. I removed all instances of it and the post went through! :) You can check it out if you'd like at :D Thank you for your help!

Yay you’re back! You’re the one that got me started in the first place. Will your tadpoles group get lively again? I loved your advice how to navigate steemit.


Posted using Partiko iOS

I have to read up on all that's changed since I've been gone and re-familiarize myself with the platform again, but once I do that and I'm fully caught up to speed I'm probably going to start it back up again :)

Welcome back bud. Stop by the PAL/MSP Discord sometime and say hello!

Oh I most certainly will! :) I'm trying to get back into writing on a regular basis again so I'm hoping that coming back to Steemit and PAL/MSP will help me out with staying motivated :D