The Diary Game- Friday 7th Aug 2020- my first ever diary post.steemCreated with Sketch.


Hello and Good morning to all the esteemed users of Steem community.

After a long time I am posting here in Steem Blockchain. I was inactive for over 8 months.

I have participated in many contests[Blockchain projects related contests] in the past in this platform and won prizes on some of the occasions. Once Steem was a thriving ecosystem with contests almost every week. But towards the end of 2018, it started struggling for obvious reasons.

Those who have been a part of this platform from 2016-17 can very well understand what Steem was and how it still survived the challenges and chaos[in 2020]. For a commoner, obviously one always looks for ways to get curated, that comes easy with contests, challenges, etc.

Once who was regular with contests find it difficult to survive when the contests suddenly disappear from the horizon and that is exactly my story in Steem.

But recently I got a lot of positive feedback with the ongoing challenges like the diary game and it is not a weekly or monthly challenge, rather it goes on everyday and that really got me curious to check the steemitblog. To my surprise the steemitblog is full of posts, with one post every day. It is very rare for me, I have not seen steemitblog with daily updates until 2019 when I had gone inactive due lack of contests/challenges. Only I used to see an announcement during hard fork. So a lot has been changed in the last 6 month I think.

Daily challenges are even more interesting. The kind of challenges I participated in past was basically dapps and blockhain related projects where you have to do a lot of reading and homework before you publish an article and fair your chances to win it.


Now what I can see, the curve of the ongoing-everyday-challenge and winning potential is a flat curve, I mean everyone can win in this daily challenge. So it is an easy task as compared what I had experienced in past. Well, that is a good sign, because in previous challenges only 50 to 60 authors used to participate and now even 5000 users can easily participate.

So at last all these permutation and combinations brought me back to this blockchain. I am sorry to be late, but every day is a new beginning. So let's start.

I am one of the old Steemians, and you can check my introduction post which was in fact the first ever post in Steem Blockchain.

I get up at 6 AM in the morning. Definitely grab a cup of tea and sit down for reading newspapers. then I start my habit-stacking routine; I do a number of things in the morning like going to morning market to buy vegetables, daily essentials, etc. Then after I return, taking a shower and having a healthy breakfast. Next I head out to my office.

Now there is a caveat.

Not all day I go to office, there is a rule by the employer, odd-even formula you may call it. So only 3 days I go out to office and 3 days I work from home.

I am a mechanical engineer by profession. Here I work in a Steel industry.I work in Coke-Oven project where we produce coke which is used in blast furnace for melting Steel. But why do we use coke why not coal? Obviously because of less ash content Coke is considered ideal to Steel making process, otherwise there will be a lot of impurities if coal will be used, the properties of Steel may not also develop.


Steel industry is a highly polluted industry, due to pandemic it is even more important to take additional precaution. The second important point is that in steel industry thousands of workers engage in a confined place, so they could be spreader of corona.

Considering all these practical aspects the management has come up with the odd-even rule and also strict testing is being conducted at least twice for each employee.

The production capacity has been reduced now, The company is just looking for a break-even. Not to suffer much loss, at least it should go with a threshold production so that it can manage the permanent employees. The other technical compulsion for a Steel plant is that it can not be shut down for even 1 hr. There will be huge implication to restart it and any lacuna of synchronization between different units may jeopardize the entire plant.

I reported the daily progress of the day to my higher up and also to my sub-ordinates. This is a routine task at my work. I also head to the prodction room to check the availability of the raw materials. I had to place the requisition at least a week before to ensure the availability of the materials. But as the supply-chain has already broken, I have to now raise the indent at least 15 days in advance.

Now a days I had to deal with a lot of write up works at office, the management knows there is no big site work or at production house, so they are just trying to keep the work force busy by updating and auditing all the document of the past one year. I am okay with that, no problem, but at times the management gets crazy.


As the clock was ticking 1 PM, it was time for a break and I relaxed by eating my lunch.

In the afternoon, I went to the materials department to inquire about the previous indented materials, the store manager told me to wait for another 5 days. My task has gone less as an engineer and more of a co-coordinator or you may call administrative work.

Before leaving the office I updated the productiion quantity in the spread sheet, and in the morning I will add the quantities of the night shift and then again report to my higher ups.

My wife already called me twice as the clock is well past 7 PM. So finally I head to my home. My wife greeted me with a smile and offered a cup of tea.


It was relaxation time with my wife. Both of us used to gossip on a number of family related things, those stuff I can't disclose here, that is purely private.

At 9 PM We all had dinner together. Home cooked food is always the best, in our office canteen it is just to feed the stomach, no taste.

Long story short, that's all about my first ever diary post. I hope I will try to better it as I progress. I will also tell my wife, if she can write her daily story. She is a house wife, so I think she can agree to this proposal.

Time to retire now.

Stay blessed.


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