So I filmed this crazy Old Lady on the R train today in NYC
She was talking about Bill DiBlasio, the Clintons, the Bushes, the Kennedy's, the FBI & the CIA.
Check her out I think she overdosed on Red pills.
My Genesis Mining affiliate code: pjqNur
Please use and God Bless.
Love the homeland security and muslim propaganda above the doors.
Dude it's all over New York City. I feel like I'm in a real life version of "They Live"
I have some extra sunglasses...
😜 only funny one I could find
I feel like I am home.
Oh sh*t, you found me...
I love her. The U.S is a corporation and I O.D.'d on red Pills TOO!
This is very interesting, DID YOU Look up warren wilhelm , that was Bill deblasio's natural born name, these creatures are Almost all LIARS if not ALL.