Riders on the Storm - True meaning of the Song

in #thedoors6 years ago (edited)

Is anyone else aware of the nature of this reality?

The nature of a polarity dependent universe or matrix?

For lack of better words I am using these words to describe this.

There are entities in invisible realms, possibly higher dimensions that are not physically tangible to us.

Some of us are paired with an entity. Aware of it or unaware of it.

These entities feed off the energy generated from conflict.

Some of these entities are individual, as in some individual people have their own entity and others are group entities, like the catholic church group entity.

These entities use the mind to generate conflict between people and groups of people and this generates energy. There is a winner and a loser of the energy in the conflict as felt by the human in the body but the higher dimensions feed off the dying energetic corpse left over from a conflict. They also feed off the energetic high of the win. It's a win win for them.

It's why this game exists.

We cannot exist without them, we are paired to them via the mind. The only way to stop the pairing is to stop the mind.

In return for doing as they say or direct, either consciously, aware of them or not, or unconsciously or intuitively and sensitively we may receive benefits in the form of a large intellectual capacity, earthly riches, super human abilities, coercive control over lesser individuals within the same group entity's fold. Healing and regeneration can also be a benefit.

We are all dependent on these beings in the higher dimensions. Some people are born with special abilities to see them in a very physical visual way. This is a great deception as we are not all born equal although we are conditiiiied to believe so. Some are born as psychic, where as others are born not, which is yet another deception. Any 'born with' ability is designed to create conflict within the system through inequality. Inequality generates conflict.

I feel them. I know them by their shadow. The light from the source shines down onto the third dimension through the 4th 5th 6th and 7th and it creates a shadow. This is a metaphor. All the information about what is happening in those dimensions is available through this shadow.

The 'shadow' can be a noticing fluctuations in your own hearts rhythm or breathing patterns or body temperature amongst certain individuals or groups of people; it can be felt in a tendency to think in a certain way or be a certain way with others; to be extra argumentative, or even overly passive. The changes in the body which is the mimic of the bodies around it, are the shadow. Our own body and what we feel is the shadow. This is how we see. We are 'blind' but as the blind we lead the blind. Some have developed eyes to see and others just follow their gut unconditinally.

There is a natural inbuilt empathy in every body that cannot be conditioned out easily. By observing the self and distinguishing between self related reactions and other interferences, we can see into the other dimensions.

The mind is a tool for reception. It receives and broadcasts consciousness. Consciousness is not in the brain. Consciousness, or who you think you are is in the magnetic field or aura that surrounds you. The experience of being in a body all the time is conditioned. It is necessary to make you believe you are only ever in your body in order to control you more easily in this dualistic matrix.

To defuse the matrix and stop the pain we must defuse polarity itself at risk of making all matter collapse in on itself. The reason we exist is to feed these entities. It is a daring task to dream of being our own thing not dependent on this game.

The symbol of Jesus is the symbol of ultimate sacrifice, the ability of source to provide an escape route to place all energy requirements of the entity onto the unlimited source of all that is. Jesus, real or metaphor, is real as a symbol of necessary liberation to all that believe in him.

"I can do all things, through Christ which strengtheneth me."

I am not a christian in the traditional sense. Once you realise the nature of what you are inside and why your path has lead you down so many rabbit holes and why following your intuition religiously has dutifully led you into conflict - you wake up.

We actually need conflict. This realisation is the first step of honesty and taking responsibility of our energetic needs. Where, as the newly discovered social vampire that I am, can I get my energy from in a non-abusive form?

For me, it's my music. I play music on the street. I get people's attention, I generate energy, it's an acceptable avenue of expression that people can choose to listen or walk away from. I temporarily control their perception and in the process, take a little of their energy.

When I don't play music on the street, the need for conflict arises and my mind creates situations that are skewed or distorted in order to create a conflict with the people around me. So for me to consciously 'feed' 'myself', I learn to 'see' better than others that don't because 'hunger' crowds judgments into the mind.

The entity you may be paired with is not respecting of you. It may lift you up when you are absolutely desperate but it will let you fall until you are at your lowest because it feeds off your waning energy field. It loves it.

It knows your limits. It can see time as an open book. It knows what collective group entities are planning and it alerts the body of a threat to itself when it notices one.

As mentioned before to be aware of yourself as an entity carrying being which is dependent upon energy, primarily from conflict, is the first step to real honesty. Who me? I never hurt anyone? You're projecting, you may say. Maybe it's a seed, maybe you really want to know what's going on. Maybe you don't. Either either, you'll still rot when you're dead.

So here I am, in a polarity dependent matrix, and I am a battery.

What next?

Even 'positive' people.

Especially new agers.

The 'positive' one's are the most devious, convinced of a positive polarity, in hopeless denial that conflict generated by their influence and worlds colliding around them have anything to do with their entity's energetic needs, feeding itself. The more you can pass the buck the higher you can go. It's a game of hot potato. Most do it unconsciously. People that point at the truth and dare to speak it are scape goated into oblivion.

We live in a system called the White Light System.

I'm not joking, just like in the Matrix the movie from 1999.

The entities at the top of the system in the hierarchical structure in the higher dimensions feed on the refined energy of the entities in the lower dimensions and so on and so forth.

Child abuse that happens right at the bottom eventually, through purification, that energy once refined and denatured becomes the ambrosia of the innocence we perceive to be the light leading the world as the spirtual teachers and gurus past present and future.

It's true, it's all connected and it's all one.

The better you are at hiding the lie once aware of it, the higher in the dimensions you can go. When you can justify it with the will of God, how much holier can you get?

This is the great lie. The truth is that physical matter is held together by this conflict and energy generated from the dimensions.

Without this, none of it exists.

Deviance is necessary in the system in order for the system to be alive.

The dream of a sole polarity universe with a utopian new earth is just an ideal as a hope dangled in front of working and religious people in order to keep them as moving cogs in the system.

The realist's perspective is the only one we have.

How do we solve these problems, stopping the conflict, if we still want to exist?

We create alternative realities in which we can project the conflict onto. Just like I do with my music.

We may do it in virtual worlds in the future .

Whose to say this hasn't been done before and how many times?

It is no longer a question of morality, or right or wrong. There is no right or wrong only what you choose to actively do.

This is what is right and wrong. We are 'born into sin'. We are born into this system without choice.

I refuse to bash my head against the brick wall of believing I am some holy being from another dimension come to learn some valuable life lessons. No this is only part of the truth. It is veiled this way for a reason, so we never self realise while we are in a human physical body.

As soon as one person self realises in a body, it starts a chain reaction and other's start doing it also. Like a forbidden switch hidden deep within the mind.

This in turn causes the 'end of the world'.

If we want to 'save the world' we have to find places to project the necessary conflict into that which is not harmful to the people around us.

Physical reality is packing in and up.

Goodbye physical world.

Self defensive mechanisms are activating. Entities in charge or keeping the ball rolling are executing their plans to ensure a non-collapse. How many times have we had the end of the world? Thousands, millions? Do you remember? Can you keep count?

It's not the first.

Here we go again.

Riders on the storm.