The Good News: Street Fraternity

in #thegoodnews7 years ago

Street Fraternity ( is an organization for at-risk young men in Denver. It's in my old neighborhood, I just found out, which is awesome, because there is really a need there.

They help these young men, many of whom are refugees and dealing with PTSD from the horrors they fled, living in a dangerous neighborhood now, struggling in school, to find community and support. Everything from a library and computer room, to an "aggressive room" where they can work out with boxing equipment and vent, a studio where they can learn to produce music, to a prayer/meditation room that is inclusive of all faiths and spiritual practices. They have a kitchen where a meal is served every day they are open, and awesome connections: they get some of their food from the We Don't Waste program that I wrote about here.

a volunteer at Street Fraternity, photo from cpr story linked below

From :
"The nonprofit Street Fraternity celebrated its five-year anniversary in March. Co-founder Yoal Ghebremeskel, himself a former refugee from Eritrea, East Africa, said the group’s original intent was to provide a space for 'brotherhood and personal growth' for at-risk teenagers and young men. It’s evolved into a program committed to inclusiveness in perhaps the most diverse neighborhood in Colorado."

It's so important for young people to have a safe and supportive place to go to, and in that neighborhood, they can be in short supply. That's why I love this program. They are helping young men get on a good path, with guidance from older men who share similar experiences.

If you would like to help Street Fraternity with a donation, you can do so here:

From the cpr story again: "'I could not have done it without this place, honestly,' Oo said of his new lease on life. 'They gave me valuable, priceless advice because they were all [once in] the same shoes, just in different countries.'"

Thanks for reading! :)

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A wonderful set up! Here in the UK things like this are disappearing too as funds are cut left right and centre. Great to see some support out there 💯🐒

Indeed! I don't know if they get any govt funds - probably not, honestly, because yeah, funds always being cut, even with pot tax money - so it's probably mostly private donations or grants plus dedicated volunteers.

Its a shame I hope people will wake up to it soon. But apparently the economy is great, yet everyone is complaining about the state of UK roads; they are shocking were talking craters on main roads. Everything is pricey people just can't see through the BS and unfortunately the poor and needy are getting left behind will the sheep feed themselves. 💯🐒

Fantastic! <3

Way to go. What a great place to volunteer. I hope that some of these places that have opened to help others can find a way to become sustainable without government assistance, because there is definitely a need. Take care. 🐓🐓