Akkadian Driftwood, August 25
This is a weekly feature of some of the work @themesopotamians project has supported on Steem through the @m-sargon account. The Mesopotamians provides ongoing support to certain selected users in hopes of building a cooperative and growing middle class on Steem.

@corpsvalues wrote a post about mowing, notable to me for having a really nice set of photos of the rural environment in the north-central US where I live. For myself I mostly focus on urban and suburban landscapes here, but if you step out of my door and turn left, you'll get to this very quickly. So I thought it would be nice to include a little bit of what most of this region looks like.
@minismallholding wrote about hierarchy and resource usage, and how our social structures play into the value we put on resources and the things we do with our waste.

@elsiekjay joined us this week, and she posted two videos of misconceptions about Africa. Elsie's mainly a vlogger, and she's shown us a lot of neat Kenyan cultural topics along with other things.

@bashadow showed us how to make transparent user icons for Steemit.
Good work everybody! Keep it up!
Welcome @elsiekjay! I'll pop over to watch those videos when I have a moment, but my daughter is staring at me at the moment until I come and play with her! It looks like I've missed a few other good posts too.
Nice work everyone.
Was just looking at @tcpolymath's alarm clock and
his resteems, seen the words akkadian driftwood and
thought I'd lookie :-)
Nice to see my husband's transparent moose he made
for me here! Thank you for featuring @bashadow's
transparent work of my moosie ❤ and other steemians