Is Luck actually random? How would you control it. ~TnkTheories

in #theories7 years ago

     Have you been feeling unlucky your whole life? Does it feel like everything is out to get you? Then fear not kind person, for everything might actually be like that since luck may not be all that random. First we will see what it means to be random, then explore the possibility of luck not being random and then try to grasp the amazing power of luck manipulation.

     So what does it mean to be random. Random means that if I throw a coin a 1000 times it won't come 500 times heads and 500 tails. It might come 700 times head and 300 tails. There is the possibility that it comes 1000 times head and 0 tails. However that is because we are throwing it a limited amount of times. Now if we were to throw that coin from the moment we are born to the moment we die, as we grow up those numbers should start to come closer and closer together. The more the samples the closer to statistics will be the result. As an example I virtually flipped a coin 100 times, 10000 times and 1000000 times. 

100 times:
Heads = 43/Tails = 57 -> 43% vs 57%
10000 times:
Heads = 4932/Tails = 5068 -> 49.32% vs 50.68%
1000000 times:
Heads = 499978/Tails = 500022 -> 49.99% vs 50.00%

Now where am I going with this? If for your whole life you've been getting almost always one of the two then by law of random, it is PROBABLY wrong. If you've been flipping a coin for tens of millions of times and you have a 90% of heads then even though it is possible to have happened by chance, it is more possible to have happened by coin manipulation. Same goes for your luck. If you are always having bad or good luck in anything that takes random chance, and at such level that you are recognized for it, then by the law of random, it probably isn't random. It makes no natural sense, for some people to be always lucky while others always unlucky. Every human should have the same luck. And yet it is plainly observed to not be the case. So maybe, just maybe there is something else happening.

     I for one, believe that people have certain luck wavelengths, that is why they are lucky at some things. For example I for some reason am able to cut a deck of cards at the joker or if there isn't a joker at the ace of spades. I've even done this as a magic trick to people. Just let them shuffle as much as they want and then "magically" find the joker. No set ups, no custom made cards. Just luck. And it works. I've done it up to five times in a row, with different cards in different times. So it wasn't just one deck that got greasy at the joker. Imagine the possibility. The chance to happen is roughly 1/52^5. That is a big number. So how could it happen. For that one I don't know, it's kind of my own personal super power. And my neat party trick.

     Then how would one go about controlling their luck. Well since I am very unlucky I like to observe what happens when I am lucky. And I think I noticed something. In times where my luck does exactly what I want it to do, I have a certain feeling of confidence being built up. It is always the same feeling and once I start feeling that way, every roll is the roll I want. So maybe luck is indeed a state of mind. Maybe if you placebo your self into believing you are lucky, you really will be. Though I was never able to enter that state of mind on my own. It would just happen. But when it did, I would know, I was going to be victorious at whatever I was doing. So any time you are extremely lucky for a period of time and not just for a single action, take notice of your feelings and try to imitate them later on.

     As I have mention I believe luck has a wave form. And I do believe it can be calculated if you find its rhythm. Where do I base that off? On personal experience of course. As I always do in my articles, it's story time! There was a game on android that 2 players would sit across each other and questions would appear. Then the players needed to hit "Truth" or "False". Now I am not only bad at trivia but also a slow reader when it comes to my native language. So I was loosing 5 to 3. The catch was, I stopped playing the game a while ago and was trying to read the rhythm. Then the score went from 3 to 10. I won. I wouldn't even read the question. I would just follow the rhythm of luck and press the correct answer. 7 in a row. that is 1/128. That is 0.78% to happen. Might not sound like a ridiculous number, but in reality terms, and especially for an unlucky person, it is. Yes the feeling was indeed there. That's how I knew I was on the right track. 

     What doesn't add up is actually the part that a feeling, a.k.a some chemicals in your brain, control the chance that exists in the universe. Because, luck might not be yours but shared. My opinion is that if you have The Feeling, you are in a state of mind where you can understand and follow the path luck has set down. So if luck is a universal value, and there is a path that it follows, maybe we can actually learn to see it and follow it. Maybe your mind can understand it but you never learnt how. So get to observing. Anytime you feel lucky, try to understand the feeling and see what happens. At the time of the game, I felt like I was following a rhythm. Everything in this world works with waves. Light, sound, gravity, magnets. Maybe so does luck. Maybe it can even be recorded. Who knows. Get to observing and if you figure something out, do tell.

     I hope this theory was enjoyable, since my last one wasn't a great hit. Even though I thought many people cared about aliens. But anyhow. Once again I am Tsinik and welcome to my brain. Goodbye.


Great article. I think there is something on it definitely!

thanx. if we find the wavelength we might be able to enhance it!

I remember playing online poker I had positive results and most of the time I was really focusing and trying to push cards from my mind to the table, the cards often came (way more often than statistically probable). It was surreal at the moments. I believe in this idea.

see? sometimes super improbable things happen. Someone will tell you "it can happen". No, it shouldn't. There is something else to it.

Thnx :)

I like toast 🍞


I like toast 🍞


I like toast 🍞


i once came fourth in a race !!! only three were running !!! (they did not had a trophy for second runner up )

Could have been worse. You could have gotten 5th :P

Everything in life is 50 50 it either happens or it doesn't.

weeeeelllll, no :P indeed those are the 2 options but it is not 50 50 :P

Look into the game "Cybo"

Will do

My father always said whether the dice will bring the desired number or not it all depends on your psychology.

You can even notice it

if we say luck must be balanced, that means all people would be lucky and unlucky on his life exactly the same times. But if we say luck is a universe measure maybe we can steal from others to be more lucky and the "victim" more unlucky.

How to hack someones luck. Write this article!

Good post. Very informative and full of useful facts and data. In my opinion, one must identify whenluck befalls you. Luck is like a butterfly. It keeps landing on different persons. Just identify when it lands on you. Good work and content. Will continue to follow your post. Good job.

So by understanding when luck is about to touch you, you can then act accordingly

That is the general concept, but you still have to be "lucky." lol No guarantees, game of chance just like in life. Just be bold and "act."

Do you think the same thing holds true for coincidences?

Ooooooh yes! The experiences I had eith "coincidences" I understand they aren't chance either!