The Most Important Video You Will Ever Watch About What Is Happening In The World!

in #thepause5 years ago (edited)

The world right now appears to be going bonkers over the flu and people are acting crazy over toilet roll. The real underlying fear is the fear that businesses will close and jobs will be lost as a result of this media manufactured crisis.

The facts don't warrant the response as currently more people are dying of the regular flu than the corona yet the world is on shut down.

People on mass do not trust nor do they believe the media because repeatedly more and more comes to light about the blatant lies that the media and governments have told us all.

Heroic and brave people like David Icke have been publicly exposing the horrors who actually run the world for 20+ years. For many of those 20 years they were referred to as crack pot lunatics, tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorists. However over the last 4-5 years thanks to social media millions and millions of people have seen things unfold that have not made sense and they began connecting the dots and "awakening" to what is really going on in the world.

I set this site up to spread the information people needed to hear but did not necessarily want to hear. I am glad that i did because we see a metric of millions of articles read and we know that we have "woke up" a lot of people who in turn have woke up many more.

Sharing information that shows the corruption of the governments and institutions that people trust has their best interests at heart is not easy. Because people just do not want to hear it or believe it.

My personal awakening happened way back in 2006 when a good friend said to me "mate do you know that the banks make money out of thin air". It seemed ludicrous but i followed the information and discovered that it was not even a secret but written into law globally that banks could use "fractional reserve banking" to literally lend 10 times more money than they actually had in reserve. Thus creating new money that never existed out of thin air and charge interest on it to just take the mick even further.

At this point i kept thinking if the banks, central banks, bank of international settlement all just make money out of thin air, with no loss and then enslave the public and countries into this financial fraud of legalised counter-fitting, what else are they doing and why is the media and the so called experts who talk on the media not calling them out on this.

I started then asking myself and others obvious questions like.....

  • How has it become legal to pay interest to a faceless privately owned central bank interest on money (that every citizen pays taxes towards) that never existed in the first place?
  • If we can print money at will why is there poverty, starvation and suffering?
  • If we can print money out of thin air why is the cost of medical treatment allowed to be so high?
  • Think about it.... why does a heart bypass operation cost 50-100 thousand per operation, when the building is owned and the staff are on fixed salaries that are conducting the operation! It makes no sense!!
  • Why does a missile fired at war cost half a million to make?
  • Why does vital medicine cost thousands a month when it costs pennies to make?
  • Why does no supposed expert economist talking on the news ever ask the simple question who had trillions to lend us in the first place?
  • Why have international conglomerates been allowed to take money out of every local economy at the expense of killing off the high streets and local firms?
You ask these type of questions and you get no logical or sensible answer as to why the world works this way. Putting money and power before human health and happiness.

You start to see that the people making decision after decision that are not for the people but against the people must have a very different agenda to the one their job title suggests.

Why has mainstream media hit the public with scandals and corruption news filled with violence that always says we the people are the scourge of the planet and done it so frequently that we have become desensitised to it and just accept that corrupt acts are normal?

We never hear positive news or educational or uplifting news from the corrupt mainstream media and it has sculpted a world view that is so distorted and has impacted everyones lives.

Why was there a huge push since the 2008 financial collapse to close pubs and bars and stop social behaviours where people actually got together and talked. Replacing it with social media and netflix so the population is both isolated and feeling disempowered.

Look around the world and you see disempowered, depressed, sick and medicated people everywhere on a scale that is unfathomable!

The family unit has been targeted and now we have the highest rate of divorce and broken homes ever in history.

Minority groups have been excessively funded such as the transgender movement, LGBT, Planned Parenthood, Black Lives Matter and many more to such an extent that political correctness does not allow the majority to have a voice over the minority.

Relationships are now disposable in the swipe left swipe right tinder culture. Sex is everywhere and pushed on children at way too young an age.

Children's TV shows such as marvel and DC all have trans characters, normalising this to the very young.

Porn is everywhere and way to available to children on smart phones at way to young an age..... i could go on and on but you all know reading this that there is something very wrong in the world but feel powerless to do anything about it or to know even where to begin.

This has all been done on purpose and it has been a very long and well executed plan by a small group of very wealthy elites who's only goal is the complete and total domination of society!

How can we possibly live in a world where thousands of architects all agree it was impossible for the twin towers to fall and implode upon themselves like a controlled demolition and yet still there is no serious trial to review the evidence?

How can we possibly live in a world that starts wars quoting weapons of mass destruction and it is abundantly clear it was a lie?

Suppressed medical cures for cancer, clear evidence of medical harm from vaccines and a continual and constant erosion of our privacy and rights..... things are clearly very very wrong!

You would have to be brain dead not to see that things have got very messed up and that we now can no longer trust the corporations, governments and institutions to do the right thing.

The world is trillions in debt, including the banks and corporations and the system is at breaking point and must be reset.

If you read the links below the video that this post is about i will link you to information on an initiative called Nesara and Gesara. These are over 20 year old initiatives to

  • Reset the worlds economy
  • Clear all debts and mortgages
  • Move us back to having currency that is actually backed by gold
  • Provide the funding to clean up the oceans and land
  • Finally release the clean energy and medical technologies that have been suppressed and withheld from the public
  • & much more leading the world into a new era of health, wealth, prosperity and peace.
However in order for us to get there a monolithic power structure that has built up power and control long before JFK called them out in his famous speech and threatened to dismantle them (leading to his death) must be removed.

Today I watched the most incredible video which is literally everything that i have researched in the last 10 years about the horrors who actually run the world.

It is phenomenally well researched and connects the dots saving a newbie thousands of hours of research because this is it chapter and verse. This video is nearly 3 hours long but is one of the most detailed and accurate dot connectors you will ever watch.

What you need to do is put your political bias to one side and leave any preconceived ideas you may have about what you think you know and watch this video and appreciate that it is covering 10+ years of solid and reliable research made by thousands of people.

The current situation with the world is very bleak if you sit around feeling disempowered and listen to the mainstream media. This video shows you some serious horrors that exist in the world but also shows you how the solution is in motion and happening to clean up the mess.

After watching this video i would suggest you follow the links underneath the video and continue your research because there are some fantastic people doing incredible work at their own risk with no agenda other than to wake people up to the truth.

This post needs sharing far and wide to as many people as you can.
The video below is the epic nearly 3 hour documentary but if you scroll further down i link you into all the very best channels for further research.

Further Research To Follow:

Just in as i wrote this post

Donald Trump tweeted

Once you have watched the video above this tweet takes on a whole new dimension!

Watch The Plan To Save The World

Do not allow any Trump Bias to not take in the wider point that he is there to do a job to bring down the cabal!

I highly suggest subscribing to the channels listed below as they have the best reporting about what is really going on in the world.

Absolute Must Watch Video Is David Ickes Wembley Seminars from 2012 and 2014 2012 Seminar - 2014 Seminar -

Michael Tellingers Epic Video On The Money System-
David Icke Banking Overview -

The most epic overview of Nesara - A Must Read

An Amazing pdf Book about Nesara and Gesara

There are also some amazing Youtube videos for Q Proofs
Q Proofs Playlist 1 -

Q Proofs Playlist 2 -

Q Proof Video -

Lots more Q Proofs -

Even More Q Proof Videos -

Zerohedge (a mainstream news site) reported that over 20,000 american troops have been sent to Italy. The hardest hit corona country in Europe and the troops are NOT wearing masks!! That says a lot about how highly likely it is that corona is a smoke screen.

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