The Screen Addict | Penn & Nicholson


Yesterday I enjoyed a double presentation of The Crossing Guard (1995) and The Pledge (2001) – two strong examples of what could arguably be called the most interesting actor-director collaboration ever to grace the celluloid.

Jack Nicholson and Sean Penn’s friendship is one of the great Hollywood Bromances. Not only do they make memorable films together – Penn took it a step further and paid Nicholson the ultimate respect by naming his son after the legendary actor.

TCG also stars Anjelica Huston, Robin Wright – who was of course married to Penn – and the undervalued David Morse. For The Pledge however, Penn really went all out on casting. Nicholson stars again alongside Wright, but is also joined by Aaron Eckhart, Benicio Del Toro, Patricia Clarkson, Tom Noonan, Helen Mirren, Vanessa Redgrave, Harry Dean Stanton, Sam Shephard and Mickey Rourke in a brief, but utterly devastating cameo.

Neither TCG nor The Pledge is the most cheerful of Nicholson performances but then again, which one of Jack’s films – with the possible exception of the Adam Sandler chuckle-fest Anger Management (2003) – actually is cheerful?

Both films pack one hell of a punch, though. Grief, loss and the (futile?) quest for redemption are central themes, and neither story necessarily offers closure. I personally admire the boldness and realism of this approach – it is, after all, more in line with life itself.

Sold recommend. Watch ‘em back-to-back, if you can.

Alternatively, The Pledge and Chris Nolan’s Insomnia (2002) would be an awesome double-feature idea as well…


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