Case File 004-2

in #theylie4 months ago


Case File 004-2: "The Inverted World - Eclipsum Descensus"

Classification: Ocular Spectrum Distortion (OSD)

Security Clearance: Summa Potentia Protocol Required

Subject: Eclipsum Descensus, commonly referred to as "The Inverted World," is an extra-dimensional space accessed through certain cave systems worldwide. Upon entry, gravity inverts, resulting in a disorienting and surreal environment. This alternate dimension features an alien landscape dominated by superstructures composed of void-black materials, a black sun with a white permanent eclipse ring, and pools of boiling black liquid. The area is inhabited by hostile entities and features advanced but eerie technology.

Hostile entities resembling humans from the 1970s abduct individuals who fall into Eclipsum Descensus. These beings are known to merge their captives with their technology, creating highly aggressive hybrids.

Containment Protocol:
Due to the unpredictable nature of the entry points to Eclipsum Descensus, efforts are focused on monitoring known cave systems and deploying warning beacons to prevent accidental entry. Exploration teams are equipped with high-frequency liquid metal cameras in vacuum chambers to capture and analyze any visual anomalies.

Research Notes:
Further study is required to understand the mechanisms of gravity inversion and the full extent of the hostile entities' capabilities. Efforts should prioritize the safe retrieval of any captured individuals and minimizing the risk to exploration teams.

Addendum 004-2-a: Homines Inversi

The beings, referred to as Homines Inversi, appear human but exhibit a disturbing morphing behavior as if merging with their former timelines. These entities are clad in attire reminiscent of the 1970s and demonstrate advanced technological integration with their bodies, suggesting a high degree of bio-mechanical synthesis.



Homines Inversi are extremely hostile, abducting and assimilating individuals into their technology. They utilize advanced weaponry and possess the ability to manipulate the environment within Eclipsum Descensus.

Containment Protocol:
Standard containment measures are ineffective. Encounters should be documented using high-frequency liquid metal cameras to avoid direct confrontation. Any captured footage must be analyzed for patterns that could aid in developing countermeasures.

Firsthand Account:

"We encountered them near what looked like a desolate, twisted tower. They moved like they were glitching through reality, one moment human, the next a twisted amalgamation of metal and flesh. Before we knew it, they were upon us, dragging my teammates into their grotesque machines. I barely escaped with my life." - Operative Caelus

Addendum 004-2-b: Extra-Dimensional Craft

The craft utilized by Homines Inversi resemble classic UFOs, characterized by a smooth, metallic surface and an eerie, otherworldly glow. These vessels are capable of advanced maneuvers and appear to be organic in nature, suggesting a symbiotic relationship with their pilots.




The craft serve as both transportation and habitation for Homines Inversi. They exhibit the ability to phase in and out of the visible spectrum, making them difficult to track and engage.



Containment Protocol:
Surveillance of known entry points and anomalous regions is essential. Any sightings of these craft should be reported immediately, and avoidance is advised. Exploration teams must be equipped with specialized detection equipment to track the craft's movements.

Firsthand Account:

"I saw it hovering above the boiling black pool, its surface reflecting the eerie eclipse. It moved with impossible grace, like it was cutting through reality itself. When it disappeared, it left a chilling silence that still haunts me." - Operative Luminus

Addendum 004-2-c: Colossus Eldritchum

Classification: Summa Potentia Protocol Required

Colossus Eldritchum is an immensely powerful entity of unfathomable origin, believed to transcend dimensions, time, space, and reality itself. This being is often depicted clad in ancient, tattered robes that seem to ripple with an ethereal, otherworldly energy. Very little is known about the true nature or intentions of Colossus Eldritchum due to its elusive and seldom-seen characteristics.


Residual Evidence:
Analyses of residual materials found in areas associated with Colossus Eldritchum reveal substances not originating from our reality or universe. These residues date back over a billion years, indicating the entity's incomprehensible age and its presence far beyond the scope of human understanding.

The presence of Colossus Eldritchum is often indicated by significant disturbances in the fabric of reality, including severe spatial warping, temporal anomalies, and shifts in the perceived laws of physics. These disturbances make direct observation nearly impossible, as the entity exists in a state that defies conventional comprehension.

Containment Protocol:
Given the entity's immense power and the inherent danger of attempting containment, standard protocols are ineffectual. Efforts are focused on monitoring areas of high anomalous activity for signs of Colossus Eldritchum. Residual samples are collected and studied to gain any possible insight into the entity's nature and potential vulnerabilities.

Firsthand Account:

"We didn't see it, but we felt its presence. The air grew thick, reality seemed to twist around us, and the shadows deepened. The instruments went haywire, detecting fluctuations in time and space. When we found the residue, it was like nothing we've ever encountered, both alien and ancient beyond belief." - Lead Researcher Umbra

Research Notes:

  • Temporal Analysis: Initial studies of the residue indicate non-linear time signatures, suggesting the entity's influence spans multiple temporal planes simultaneously.
  • Spatial Distortion: Spatial anomalies in areas of Colossus Eldritchum's presence show extreme warping effects, with distances fluctuating unpredictably.
  • Material Composition: Residue analysis reveals elements not found on the periodic table, with isotopic ratios inconsistent with known physics.

Advanced Atomic Analysis:
Further atomic-level examination of the residue shows particles existing in multiple locations simultaneously, indicative of quantum superposition. This phenomenon suggests that Colossus Eldritchum might manipulate or exist within quantum states, effectively allowing it to interact with multiple dimensions and timelines concurrently.

Case File 004-2 details the enigmatic and perilous nature of Eclipsum Descensus, an extra-dimensional realm accessed through specific cave systems. The threats include Homines Inversi, advanced extra-dimensional craft, and the formidable Colossus Eldritchum. The utmost caution and highest security protocols are required for any engagement with these anomalies, as they pose significant risks to humanity and challenge our understanding of reality itself.