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RE: Thoughtful Daily Post - 'New' Signs
What a fun corner store and fun story about your visit there. The Complaint Department Button is funny, but the roadside toilet blossoms in full bloom is hilarious. It is a shame that the flowers were crappy. I would advise you not to get one of those free beers because you might see purple squirrels after drinking it. Thanks for the laugh and have a great weekend Brisby! : )
ROFLMAO! 😂😂 You missed a calling as a comedian yourself, Whatisnew!
HUGS to you sweet, Whatisnew and I hope that you had a wonderful weekend and are enjoying your Monday!💜
Now I am ROFLMAO with you holding that beer and asking if the purple squirrels were always there. OMG! I can't stop laughing!!!
HUGS right back at ya sweet Brisby! Hope you have a great week. I had a blast this past weekend because I spent it with my 2 grandsons but I sure am exhausted. I think I will need a week to rest up. I will probably do a long post about our time together.
I have a couple of questions. You are "My person" and I know I can ask you anything. First, do you have the clickable footer info for the Freewrite Favorites blue box? I use that with my Wednesday deliveries and somehow I accidentally deleted it. And...I am looking to buy 50-100 Steem via PayPal. Do you know of anyone who would want to sell Steem to me that way? It is way too confusing for me to buy. I spent days researching and I just don't understand all of the steps that need to be taken. Anyway, thanks for your help and a special thanks for being "my person." : )
Aww! I'm glad that you had a wonderful weekend with your adorable grandsons (and hopefully your plans for resting up are working 🤗). I'd love to read a post about the fun you had!
😍 I'm your person!!!! Yay!!!!!!!!💃 You've me so happy reading that and I'll gladly do whatever you ask my sweet Whatisnew!
Here's the clickable link (JUST REMOVE THE $$ SIGNS) for this weeks freewrite favorites for you.
Also, I can sell you the steem via Paypal. Would you rather use Discord for messages or email?
Huge Hugs to you and have a wonderful day!
Hi my person! Thanks ever so much for your trouble and sending me the clickable footer for the FWH Favorites. I knew I could count on you sweet Brisby!!!
OMG! You can sell me steem via PayPal?!?! You just can't believe what a relief this is! I will explain later. I can't thank you enough. Please Brisby, if there is anything I can ever do for you, please, please let me know. My discord is all screwed up (another long story) but if you send me a DM, I may be able to do it that way. If not, you can send me an email. [email protected]. Thanks again sweet Brisby!!! Sending you many HUGS!
Love the hugs!
It wasn't any trouble at all and I like being able to be helpful. 😘
I'll use what you send me via Paypal to purchase the Steem and send it to you. Sorry to hear about your discord being messed up and if I can help you with that, please let me know.
I've sent you an email so that you don't have to bother with Discord.
🤗🤗 & 💜💜 Whatisnew!
Hi sweet Brisby! It is me again, your pain in the butt. You can stop looking for the "Freewrite Favorites" that I asked you about. It finally hit me to just copy and paste...DUH! Thanks anyway. Hugs!
😂 You're not a pain in the butt at all! I'm sorry that I didn't reply sooner but am glad that you figured out a way for it to work.
Love to you!!