
in #thoughts6 years ago

Many kids can easily be deceived. Many are easily moved to fear; many to tears, and so many kids are still being bullied and made to turn their backs on their decisions or desires. Personally I think this is because they have little understanding of how life is. They also lack experience, principles and have very little determinations towards their set goals. Nowadays I observe some so called Adults,acting like children many-a-times,and this results to huge losses in alot of aspects. This was how I lived: in fear of how my next day at school would be like, right from Middle school cuz I was just below average. I always thought every Test or Examination period was a period of disgrace,of mockery,of unhappiness...because no matter how hard I studied,I just seemed to not pass that average score. I began to lose interest in school,started wallowing in the mire of loneliness and even hated all my friends cus I was always so scared to contribute to whatever topic of discussing that was on at anytime back then. I kept going down and down emotionally,academically,psychologically and even spiritually. I thought God didn't love me enough to make me smart. Or maybe He just didn't create me as amazing as he did the others.
I made my parents believe all was well at school until my wonderful mum paid a surprise visit to my school. She was definitely unhappy,at least I thought I saw that through her glasses,but she kept smiling at me. I became alarmed. Oh! Mothers are really super wonderful!! She talked sense into my thick skull. She made me see reasons why I'm just as normal as every kid,as everyone else. She put the spirit of doggedness in me. She talked so calmly till I couldn't argue anymore. I just stood there...cacophony of positivity ringing through my little head.
That was the day I made a decision.I had a very strong desire,not just to be the best,but pursue academia and be that amazing Bad ass dude I've always wanted to be,with such tenacity that would make me be the best, always. The next Test on Arithmetic came and guess what??.. Oh no, I didn't pass, I had a that was average to me. That wasn't my desire.I worked until I was better at Math. The only hurt I felt was I became really good in High School;I couldn't show all those classmates of mine from middle school how better I'd soon become. With the assurance of being spoken of worldwide,someday,I forged on to College to study Cyber Security Science,as under Computer Sciences.
Having a fixed conviction helps. One thing Mom always said, which I'm certain i'd never forget, is
"Whatever is vividly envisioned,ardently desired,and enthusiastically acted on,will inevitably be achieved"
Also, S.A Furtick made me to understand
My purpose outweighs my Pain
My destiny outweighs my History
My Crown outweighs my Cross
My Hope outweighs my Hardships
God's grace outweighs my shame
God's favor outweighs my my frustrations
The blessings outweighs my burden
Be dogged!
Be determined
Pursue you goals like there's no tomorrow
Don't let anyone,not even the devil himself, make you stop halfway.
If there's anything Dwayne Johnson's thought me, its two words. - "Be Focused" !
Avoid complaining about your present state.
If you're gonna be Somebody
If you're gonna go somewhere
You better Wake up and Pay attention.
Good day People.
Thanks for stopping by to read my little thoughts.
I hope to inspire people and be better someday.wp-image-1520828830.jpg