Hope in the winter of life

in #thoughts6 years ago

I can hardly keep my eyes open and I have to be up early with my daughter but, my sister dropped a message that she is going to visit my father and asked if I want to talk with him. I don't know the last time I spoke directly with him. A year?

It seems strange.

My dad has been the ultimate holder for as long as I can remember he has said that his success would come in the winter of his life. Supposedly a fortune teller told him this and being an artist and romantic, he clutched to it through the years. He will turn 83 this year and can no longer paint like he once could - is that wintry enough?

Perhaps all we really need to get through life is what my father has never let go of, hope.

Maybe as long as we believe that there is a still a chance that things will work out, that we will survive like prisoners in a concentration camp or get what we think we deserve for the work we have put in, we will keep striving, keep pushing, keep struggling at life, clinging to that thread.

When I look into the mirror I see my father and I resemble him a lot in other ways too. I question how similar we are and whether I am just like him, struggling through life with nothing more than hope, a fortune tellers promise of a desire for the future fulfilled. It is all so naive but at the same time, what else is there, what option other than hoping for better than today do we really have?

Some will of course say the acceptance of the now and, I would say the same but, is it really possible or at least, I have never met anyone who has been able to completely do it. Many who say they can of course but, their behavior gives them away in short order. Behaviors are more trustworthy than words but, never to be completely trusted because, we all change, we are always changing.

Life is a movement of changes and while some are drastic, others imperceptibly nudge us this way and that, changing our course in a thousand different ways to lead us astray from where we thought we would ever be. Do you know how you ended up where you are, were you paying attention to all of the micro manipulations that sparked a thought here, a word there and a side step around where you intended to place your foot?

I can guarantee that your memory is far from immutable and there are literally millions of things that you either missed, forgot or misconstrued that had an influence on your life. Tell me, how well do you know who you are if you do not even know how you got to be where you stand today? The fallacy of self-awareness is that we are only aware of what we know and on a confirmation bias, make irrelevant all that we do not, including that of ourselves. I feel I know myself quite well yet, who feels that they do not?

I do not know if I will ever be successful in the way that I have dreamed I would be - dreamed or fantasized? Is there a difference and, does the fantasy still hold hope? It is hard to tell how much of our thoughts and emotions are intertwined and impossible to untangle, to tease apart. While we can believe we are thinking well, acting well, doing the best we ca,n, it is impossible to know for sure and if we ourselves are unable, no one else can.

My father is a good man and I do not think he ever wished ill upon another in his life yet, I do feel that there was more in him than was given. Is that a harm t the world, is it wrong to hold back one's best from others? Right to choose of course but if one knowingly chooses not to help or purposefully limits the good done, what does that mean?

Like the tree in the picture, we all stand alone and as I believe it to be, we are all judged alone by ourselvses. While some go easy, others are their own greatest critic and what I have found in my experience is, the greatest critics of themselves are the ones who are able to keep improving their performance because no matter what they did today, they still hope they can do better tomorrow.

Perhaps my dream of being able to have economic stability, a chance to improve the lives of others and maybe lead a life where there is more than struggle and hardship is a pipe dream but, I hope it is not. I hope that there is more to this life than surviving the various barrages of pain that befall so many, myself included. I hope there is a life where suffering is reduced to the point where at least at times, I can wake up in the morning pain free and, go to sleep at night without the cares of the day seeping into my dreams.

At 40, I do not expect I am going to make it to the age of my father as there have been too many health setbacks, too much damage done by illness and medication to live that far but, I d hope there is more than today, that this isn't the best life will ever get. Maybe it is, maybe winter is setting in for the final time.

It is impossible to tell.

Once upon a time I would have been able to have a discussion about these kinds of things with my father and he would have been able to offer some interesting perspectives he had heard or experienced along the way. Those times are long gone and now, his thoughts are filled with static - the falling snow of winter's mind.

I hope I never feel the cold of my mind slipping away on the ice.

[ a Steem original ]


It takes these experiences to give is perspective as I recall losing my father unexpectedly and came to realize too late the missed opportunities to learn from him and prepare for my own fatherhood and other things. I try to replicate him through my actions but find it difficult because I never knew him from an adult perspective but wish I did.

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In many ways, I don't know my dad either and in others, I know him well. I don't plan on replicating him but I feel that some extent of that is inevitable on my current paths and I wish it wasn't.

Oops, slipped with the slider but, you deserve it for something anyway :)

LOL, feel free to adjust my friend! Other are as deserving and need it as well!

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Happens from time to time and in general once I vote, I am not going to take it away as it is gone anyway. I will skip self voting to make up for it ;)

I do not know if I will ever be successful in the way that I have dreamed I would be - dreamed or fantasized? Is there a difference and, does the fantasy still hold hope?

Well my dear friend, you are Aussie and with barely 40 wheels on your back. There is a remote possibility that you couldn't accumulate as many wheels on your back as your dear dad. But, as for your current dreams & fantasies, through a quick quantum leap into your future, I'll show you a short walkthrough about how many more achievements are you still to accomplish. :)

40 wheels or lashes? :D

That reminds me, I haven't had baked beans for years!!

40 wheels or lashes? :D

Oh! for lashes, 'lajas' or flagstones on your back, there are some cute videos too. };)

You see more than most as you analyze everything. We have all made mistakes and wrong decisions, but they have been done. As long as you know where and how and maybe why, you can learn from them. The older I have got I tend to rethink decisions more and everything is more calculated which I think is probably normal. Whatever normal means as I am not sure anymore.

I have no idea what normal is either as what is the measure? Is it normal to have the world in which we do because it is the way it has to be or, have we normalized extremes?

You are an artist with words, and I sometimes get the feeling you don't fully grasp the impact your visions of hope have on others. They say never say never, so try not to expect a short life. The body often mimics expectations, so best not to feed it bad ones.

The body often mimics expectations, so best not to feed it bad ones.

I wonder if it is the case or the expectations are born from the body. It is an interesting thought that while we might feel that we think something into existence, it may all ready exists and our body is signalling our thoughts.

Your father sounds like an amazing man and yes Hope is very powerful. There are many more like him in this big old world. And that's what makes this world special. Best wishes @tarazkp

Yeah, he is an interesting guy with a lot of talents that were tucked away and rarely seen.

Just don't die anytime soon kay?

I hope I never feel the cold of my mind slipping away on the ice.

This is one of my worst nightmares :|

Not planning on dying as no one knows my keys.. :D

You should be more constant touch with your dad Taraz...you're going to miss him when he's gone

Yes but it is difficult to get hold of him as he is in a home and rarely lucid enough to speak. It was hard to talk to him last night and realize that there were times he was searching to remember me.

Bravo!! Your article really speaks to me! Came along at a right time. My father was just diagnosed with cancer and we have no idea how things are gonna go.

I see myself in your description of your father (my father) and I wonder if I will end up as you describe some 30-40 years down the road. On the one hand I hope not (not to disparage), but on the other would it be so bad? In some ways, I would be disappointed, but others I would proud to do as well.

I am afraid that I know the answer for me, and so far, I'm not cutting the mustard.

Thank you for this piece. Really provocative!

I truly don't mean to speak ill of your father, but to paraphrase (maybe wrongly), you painted a picture and asked is this OK? Is this all?

Only each person can answer for themselves and each persons answer may well be different in similar circumstances.

Once again. Thanks!

Only each person can answer for themselves and each persons answer may well be different in similar circumstances.

This is the thing and likely in his head he lived a full life and by most people's lives, he lived a fuller life than most. For me, it is more a reflection on my own shortcomings than his and I know that I am far behind the eightball at this stage of life.

I lost my mother to cancer in 2004 but I hope that it works out for your dad. The treatments are getting pretty good these days so there is always hope.

For me, it is more a reflection on my own shortcomings than his and I know that I am far behind the eightball at this stage of life.

Exactly! It's almost as if my father is acting as a mirror. I am not really seeing his shortcomings, but because of our similarities, my own. Many of the things that I see, he would not even regard as shortcomings. The fact that I do makes me feel a bit guilty, but I should not because what I am really evaluating is myself.

Anyway it is producing somewhat of a crisis of urgency for me right now. Kind of a shit or get off the pot mentality.

Anyway, enough of my rambling! Be well and don't be a stranger to your dad. Even when he doesn't "know" you, he "feels" you. I am going to heed this advice myself.

Thank you for helping me to see, even though you couldn't know that when writing and I don't know you or your dad.

Anyway it is producing somewhat of a crisis of urgency for me right now.

I have this feeling and it is part of the reason I push so hard these days.

Thank you for helping me to see, even though you couldn't know that when writing and I don't know you or your dad.

The best and most welcome help is the help that arrives unintended and blind to the circumstances of others. I can't take any credit for it is what I mean but, I am glad you found some value in there somewhere because that is my own hope for my work.

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