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RE: 3 Golden Nuggets a day - on Depression and Energy

in #three-nuggets7 years ago

Very true we take for granted keeping our body active. Our mind set is always to work or finish everything everyday as if we'll run out of time or there's no matter sacrificing our health.

Depression is a silent killer and most victims don't know it until it's too late.

That's why for everytime of loneliness or sadness let it out in any form it could be through writing, singing or even in exercises. Keeping it in eats up a persons system.

Talk to somebody you trust and won't judge you. You are never alone #suicideisneverachoice


Thank you for your insights @maddie30.
I hope it didn't escalate for you in something about extreme depression, hence your tag.
Mild depression is experienced my everyone, in particular in the winter, that was my focus for this article.
Extreme depression is not a subject I want around my research as I deal with it at work. If you are interested in the work of my colleagues and the beautiful stories they write in order to support life please take a look at Funeral Zone Blog or Stories.

I also respect a lot the works of Jordan Peterson in regards to controlling depression and how to deal with it in you or people around you.

I am thinking about getting his book 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos , it's on my classics list.