Three wishes challenge - 30-03-2019 : wish power !

in #three-wishes6 years ago

Challenge accepted, @jamethiel. This is for the #three-wishes started by @epicdave.

I read your post really carefully and I first wondered whether the power of wishes could be strengthened by wishing the same wish.

1 - The power of a good wish

I wish that good wishes could be accumulated to increase their power and make them come true.

To me this is particularly relevant to your first wish, @jamethiel, (good) health is such a good wish to wish.

So many of my recent worries stem from 'health' both personal and from those that surround me.

2 - Braces be gone !

I wish scientists / engineers could get together and invent a way to straighten teeth more quickly without having to go through the pain and discomfort of having braces and then having to go through retainers !

I appreciate the correcting process will take time but why so much suffering ? This is actually related to my first wish in a way. I didn't have braces, but I've seen first hand through one of my daughters what it all involves. I'm now dreading the process that the younger one will have to go through.

3 - Energy

I wish I had more energy to keep working on things rather than take breaks which lead to distraction and the pressure of a new task to be completed.

I actually have many more wishes but the list would be endless.

I used #birthday as mine is 'soonish' - hope you don't mind.

I was just wondering whether @marblely, @gillianpearce and @neumannsalva would like to share three of their wishes. I hope it's not too painful. As you can see, I kept this post short too.

Incidentally I am not sure about the name of the flower in the photo. I used my mobile and took the photo at the beginning of the month. I believe it's called Kalanchoe and it's supposed to be easy maintenance, but I'm just happy it's managed to survive for over 10 years indoors.

Enjoy your weekend.


Thanks for the mention @cryptocariad. I'm not sure I'll be able to write a 3 wishes post over the weekend but we shall see!

I'm very impressed that you've been able to keep a plant alive indoors for 10 years! 😱

The only plant I have indoors nowadays is a small citrus tree that was a gift. It's about 3 years old but each winter it dies a little more.

There's just the one fruit left on it now and it's lots lots of it's leaves but I'm hoping that now the weather is warming up it will l pick up a bit.

Have a lovely weekend! 😍

No worries, @gillianpearce. If you do get the chance, please tag me so I don't miss it :D
It's been a busy weekend for us here. Hope your weekend was fine too 😍

I've had a lovely weekend thank you @cryptocariad. A surprise Mother's Day outing on Saturday as my son was away to day. It couldn't have been better. The weather was perfect. 😊

Today I just relaxed at home. Very nice! 😍

Such a lovely invitation- it was a must to follow 😍 you can read about my (very similar) wishes here
I am so with you that health for all loved ones is the most important wish. I think it is also related to your last wish for more energy, as being ill, caring or worrying for someone is immensely draining.

Thank you so much for taking part, @neumannsalva. I really enjoyed reading your post 😍

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Brought to you by @tts. If you find it useful please consider upvoting this reply.

It actually sounds just like me, @tts :D

Thank you for participating! I would love to have that wish for Health become a truth for all of us! And I agree that braces are something that a better solution should be developed for, I never had them but should have according to various dental people. They look like such a pain, I decided that my teeth were not that bad. :)
Lovely flower, cool that you have kept it's plant growing for 10 years!
And happy (soon) Birthday!

You made a good decision... I had braces for my whole youth and still my teeth and more importent my jaw is not ok aligned. Neither was it fun to wear them, nor to get the replacements... 😱 In addition the braces hurt my teeth at their roots.

The whole braces thing seems like a bit of a scam that is unnecessary for many people... my brother needed them for some specific issues but I have seen people with them for non medically necessary issues. Also, when the Dental dude wanted me to get them, he proposed a $30,000 total cost to fix my face which is slightly miss-aligned due to a childhood fall. He wanted me symmetrical, I wanted 1 issue repaired. I got repaired for $5000 and he was sad that he didn't get to break my jaw and restructure everything to make me prettier. I didn't need perfect, just working and dentists don't do imperfection well...

Thank you for the invitation, @jamethiel. Our eldest was given that choice, but the other two, alas, do not have that choice.
I still have a few more days for my birthday :D