Three tips of a bird. 🌼🌸🌺

in #three3 years ago


Three tips of a bird. 🌼🌸🌺

A man set a trap to catch a bird .. Coincidentally a bird got caught in it and the hunter caught it .. The bird said to him .. “O man! You have eaten many deer, goats and chickens etc. What is my reality compared to these things .. I have a little bit of meat in my body, what will become of you ..? Your stomach will not be full .. But if you set me free, I will give you three pieces of advice which will be very useful for you to follow .. One of them I will give now .. while the other when you You will leave me and I will go and sit on the wall .. After that I will give the third and last advice when I will fly from the wall and sit on the branch of the tree in front .. ”Curiosity arose in the heart of this man that Give useful advice .. He obeyed the bird's word and asked him .. "You give me first advice, then I will leave you .." So the bird said .. "My first advice is that" Can't believe it .. "Hearing this, the man left the bird and she sat on the wall in front .. Then he said .." My second advice is "Don't worry about what happens. . ”And then she said ..“ O good man! You made a big mistake by leaving me .. because I have a very rare stone in my stomach .. if you slaughtered me and took this pearl out of my stomach then selling it would give you so much money that your It would have been enough for many generations to come .. and you would have become a great ruler .. ”The man who heard this felt sorry .. and regretted .. that he left this bird and made a big mistake in his life .. If I had not left him, my descendants would have been saved. When the bird saw him thinking like this, it flew away and sat on a branch of a tree and said, I just gave you the first piece of advice that you forgot, "Never believe in something that is impossible." I have pearls .. is it possible ..? The second piece of advice I gave you was, "Don't worry about what's going on." But you did not take any effect of the second advice and became sad that you let me go even if you wanted to .. It is useless to give any advice to you .. When did you follow my first two advices which are on the third? You will .. You are not worthy of advice .. ”Saying this, the bird flew again .. and flew in the air .. That person standing there was lost in thought while meditating on the words of the bird .. !!

Blessed are those who have someone to advise them .. We often do not listen to the advice of our sincere companions and elders, considering ourselves to be wise .. And in this we are at a disadvantage .. These advices are just to say. There is no such thing as someone saying, 'We have heard .. but there are invaluable assets from wisdom and the experiences of others .. which can certainly be a beacon for us if we follow these advices.' . !!