Gunakan Untuk Kebebasanmu Bicara!

in #threespeak5 years ago

Abusing anyone, especially someone young and impressionable, is to me the most reprehensible crime possible. The next generation are our future leaders. That said, life is never black and white but shades of gray. Many who grow up in a hugely conservative environment find it stultifying, repressive, and oppressive. Those who grow up being taught that 'sex is dirty', 'sex is wrong', etc often become adults who are not sexually well-adjusted. Yet we are made from sex so proper education is essential.

Overparenting has become epidemic in the states which is one of the big factors that contribute to skyrocketing teenage depression and suicide. Teens are stuck behind their computers and phones with fake facebook/kik/snapchat friends. Real, meaningful friendships seem almost a thing of the past due to parents and teachers who download their fears onto the youth. While I know such intentions are good and honorable, the secondary effects of a lack of proper bonds with others in one's formative years when the brain is developing can last a lifetime.


Berpikir bahwa rakyat Indonesia sedemikian bodohnya hingga tak paham bahwa pelaku penyebaran hoaks adalah siapa yang memiliki kekuasaan dan fasilitas utama. Pembungkaman baik lewat ancaman pidana, maupun pemblokiran, peretasan akun-akun oposisi dan pembatasan akses sosial media justru bukti ada yang masalah dengan demokrasi dan kebebasan bersuara.Generasi berikutnya adalah Euthereum yang membuat kemudahan membuat ada banyak uang kripto lainnya ada dan berkembang pesa. Di sinilah banyak yang terjebak dan berpikir bahwa blockchain ini hanya seputar trading uang kripto dan merupakan investasi yang menguntungkan dalam waktu singkat, banyak yang tertipu karena iming-iming tanpa mau mempelajarinya secara lebih serius.

follow @threespeak


Great write up about this you have here. Overparentinh has been truly common and tedious on some kids which have affected their mentality