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RE: Israeli Zionists Shoot Unarmed Woman Leave Her to Bleed to Death

in #threespeak5 years ago

At 11 seconds one of the security guard approaches very close to her and slides the knife she was carrying away from her with his foot.

Unfortunately as long as the Palestinian Authority, funded by governments and aid from all over the world, pays salaries to terrorists and their families, desperate people will continue to try to murder Jews here. One of them succeeded a year ago stabbing my friend in the neck from behind. That kid survived being shot but my friend died within minutes.

If you run toward armed men with a knife you will be shot and likely killed. That's how this works. We make no apologies for defending ourselves. You can't drive Jews off our land with stabbing attacks, or running us down with cars. The mass suicide bombings of 2000/2001 didn't drive us out, this won't either and that checkpoint literally didn't exist until after the bombing campaign Arafat started because it looked like things were getting too comfortable for Palestinians who were trying to live in peace. Live in peace with us or you'll be shot, simple.


Wow, you should work for the Pentagon and analyse their targets from their drone cameras high in the sky.. you saw it's a knife and she was carrying it and she was still carrying the knife when she was shot and even after she fell on the ground she was still carrying the knife so they let her drain her blood to death.

Go back to wherever you came from before it's too late and be sure nobody will chase you there. As long as you're on their land illegally especially with your daily crimes nobody will guarantee how long it'll be until they raise up and carry similar weapons you're carrying and shoot your mothers at heavily guarded military checkpoints when they pass through, but don't worry we at that time will say your mother was carrying a knife and a soldier kicked it away.

Posted using Partiko Android

This is the murder of my friend by a Palestinian with a knife.

I was at his funeral at 2am on the same day this happened.

I come from Israel, my faith comes from Israel, my ancestors are buried in Israel, my language is from Israel, my history happened in Israel and my future is in Israel. I'm indigenous to Israel. Israel has been invaded by many empires but today almost the only people who's existing culture comes solely from Israel are Jews.

There are other indigenous identities here including Aramaic Christians, Druze, Samaritans (on mount Grishim above Schem) but those religions and sects date from way after Judaism grew here and aren't numerous enough to provide the kind of safety and security that Jews can in this land. The idea that Islamic Arab culture comes from Canaanites is a joke, none of you know one thing about Canaanite culture except that it appears in a book before the tribes of Judea. The Islamic Arab conquest and invasion of the entire middle east and north Africa and even large parts of Europe is an obvious fact.

don't even bother explaining for this two faced scum. They will create history as long as it fits t heir narrative. Perhaps we think we can educate some; like 10% perhaps but the rest like this are only out for one thing. Ok maybe two; deception and murder.

So you're a Semite descending from Sam son of Noah but for some reason found yourself coming from London to replace the people who are loving on this land since ever and who happen to be real Semite. That's number one sick.
Being a Jewish entitles you to believe in your religion, it doesn't entitles you any land, especially the land of other people.

Second, one foreign imported settler being stabbed by a knife is equal to sniping unarmed children and women? Another sick logic. Besides, your friend seems to be from the IDF terrorist group, if you didn't know it's a terrorist group do some research and ask the real Jews, not the Zionist anti-Semite Jews. As for your friend a combatant on stolen land can be fought back by all available means to the owners of the land, this is preserved in all related international law. Just like how we are fighting the foreign imported ISIS terrorists in my country.

Go back to your home country and leave the stolen land as long as you can. The owners of the land the real Semite people won't give away their rights even if you have bigger guns now, they'll find means and liberate their land, sooner or later.

Posted using Partiko Android

oh fuck off. Like being Arab or Islamic entitles you to the world. Look at how many countries you have invaded and conquered. None you say? Well Islamic takeover is just as good. Perhaps you 'sing' to the rest, but others REALLY know about your shariah zones and taste of world domination. Why else not? Your creator mohommad with a little 'm' told you so. He wrote it in some book that had really zero to no new ideas; rather USURPED other religions to legitimize itself. Poor old Ishmaelites; always trying to hit Isaac with arrows while hoping daddy will choose his bloodline to be the 'chosen'. Too bad shooting arrows is what doesn't make you chosen.

My home is Israel, I did come back to it. I'm very happy here.

The Palestinians are fighting the wrong fight: they're fighting to remove a colonial invader. So they will always lose because Jews are the indigenous people living on the land we cherish. If Palestinians weren't kept here by a leadership that knows they must be made to stay and fellow Arab neighbours who treat them like dirt to keep them separate, many would have drifted away or learned to live peacefully with the prosperity and security that Jewish control brings.

The Arab wars of the 50's and 60's at least maintained a kind of dignity: once the Palestinian identity was created to be a victim and oppressed by the Jew, they lost their dignity completely. That's why there is so much self loathing and loathing of Palestinians from across wider Muslim and Arab society. It's really a horrible situation for them to be in.

I notice you downvoted my comment. I'll let this one slip, we don't want to get into a downvoting war because we disagree politically.

I downvote the bastard cuz he is outright creating lies. Why else would there be a downvote button. So he can make money and give it to his terrorist buddies?

It's not the fault of the Palestinians your fellow citizens in your home countrues don't like you and pushed you away, go to Trump's land, you can settle in South Carolina, the senators there like you and you can build walls there around you and Trump can arrange that, he likes walls and you can have prosperity and peace there where the Americans will accept you among them. You have no future on the land you steal, I'm just advising you because later you'll not have time to talk, land thieves always end bad. We're no longer 50s or 60s, after 2000 defeat you post every war,even your Saudi supporters are being beaten up badly.
You are not Semite so go back to your fathers land not to other people's fathers land, before it's too late, as for justifications some New York Times columnists will write a few articles that your ancestors lived in South Carolina several thousands of years ago and your people will buy that.

Posted using Partiko Android


Wow sounds so familiar to the German Nazi's.. they used to say go to Palestine!! Wonder why they wanted to send us there..

Fuck off you Nazi.