Caller- AOC Endorsement Will HURT Bernie

in #threespeak5 years ago (edited)

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--Voicemail callers disagree about the effect of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez endorsing Bernie Sanders on the 2020 Democratic presidential primary

What do you think?

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Yeah it definitely hurts him if they as a collective group back him as this gives many Americans the jitters that if elected it would embolden more socialist to run for congress which they will view as a slow grind into a socialist governance.

What I hear at times from people is I'll be long dead before there are enough people in congress to make a change over to socialism. Then I have to remind them their kids won't be. If Bernie were to be elected, and Warren for that matter, what will ultimately happen is things will grind to halt and nothing will get done...not that the democrat in office will notice as apparently they haven't taken notice of the fact that's what they are doing now....nothing.

At least when it comes to Rashid she will more than likely lose her seat in the next election. One reason is it was the drive to legalize marijuana here in our state that drove out more people to the polls who will be home getting high in the next go round, for that reason I think her, the governor and the attorney general will stand a good chance of being defeated in the next go round. Especially after the governor tried to push a forty five cent gas tax to fix the roads after they increased the gas tax to fix the roads that saw the gas tax raise in increments for the last three years to repair roads...that was immensely unpopular. But the most vital thing to oust Rashid will depend on if they run one good solid African American against her. That seat was open as the incumbent stepped down over sex harassment allegations, he held that seat for decades whereas many people won't spend the time/money trying to oust them. This go round saw five African Americans and Rashid, therefore she didn't win by over a fifty percent margin. If I remember right there was a twelve percent margin of difference between her and the second leading contender with that twelve percent all going to other African American contenders. So if they are smart they'll run one strong African American candidate and oust her, the only good news for the dems coming out of this is that it's a democratically controlled blue area which is likely not to change but will ultimately remove a far left extremist socialist from the ranks.

"If you love AOC but are upset at her endorsement of Bernie Sanders, you don't love AOC You love her caramel brown skin, not her working class revolutionary zeal. You love her second language, not her radical agenda. You love her young womanly form, not her humanitarianism."

  • Aisha Ahmad

Unpopular opinion:

People turning on AOC bc of the Bernie endorsement should remind themselves that the current president is an actual national emergency.

I’m with Warren and Harris, but if it comes down to Trump vs Bernie, it should still be blue no matter who.

Elizabeth Warren on AOC's Bernie endorsement:

"I am a fan of the congresswoman, she's done some terrific work...I know once this primary is over we're all going to be on the same side."

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