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RE: The Splinterlands Untamed Kickstarter Campaign Is Live!

It’s the only campaign I’ve seen where the biggest tier rewards have sold out before the lower tiers. There is almost no demand from the poor it would seem, yet lots of wealthy people piling in.

I hope mass demand actually catches up with this investor optimism!

I think I’ll sit this one out I’m happy with my SM vest as it is!


I totally agree. Once again there could have been a lot of things been done better. Some people are now frustrated, that the high tiers were gone so quickly and that it started while it was night in Europe/Asia, so they missed out. And the lower tiers could be indeed more attractive. Also, most of my money is now already in the game thanks to the Beta hype. Something to learn from for next time - for all of us.

I see it all as a good sign, that there is so much demand and hype around the game, particularly from people with money - even though we need more regular folks coming in. I am looking very optimistic ahead.