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RE: Venezuela to Start Using Crypto?

in #threespeak5 years ago

Bitcoin adoption might end up being hastened by Wall Street, but it will almost certainly stem from the emerging markets.

The USA has little use for crypto, which is why they drag their feet. If you want to know bitcoin's true value ask an #Argentinian.
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Absolutely. For the man on the street in places like Argentina, BTC is a much better way to store and transmit value than the local fiat that gets defaulted on every 5 years.

The case of VZ here is interesting because it's at the government level instead of the personal level. A few accounts make 1B USD-sized transactions will be interesting to see.

Bitcoin is a great place to put assets, especially in places like Argentina with 40 percent inflation, where $1 today is worth 60 cents in a year.

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