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RE: This is what REALLY happened at the March For Babies

in #threespeak5 years ago

The purpose of protesting in a public space is to attempt to push your worldview onto others. The pro abortionists are doing that, despite seemingly being passive outwardly. Is it really loving to attempt to force your views onto others, especially when you are attempting to decide for the body of a woman? I'd say no - so there is a huge denial here as to the true nature of love. Love does not overpower, so there cannot be love in one attempting to decide for another whether they have a child. The issue is then whether a Mother is overpowering an unborn child by having an abortion. My own understanding is that up to a few months into most pregnancies, the fetus is an extension of the mother's own body - with the individually incarnating spirit personality not entering until later. So, no - the Mother is not overpowering the child except in late term abortions, which I disagree with in general.

I feel it is biased to not consider the self protection emotions triggered in those who seek to exercise free will within their own body when they are faced with a group attempting to guilt or control them into submission under the false pretence of being 'loving'.


I agree and im very much on the right economically. It should be the womens choice!