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RE: ‘Why mainstream forms of money are evil’ - in under 10 minutes

in #threespeak5 years ago

Hi, thanks for responding here. To be clear, I didn't mention socialism or collectivism at all and was not referring to either. I did mention living from the heart, which is not the same as socialism (although socialism itself has differing definitions, depending on who you speak to).

" wealth is always attracted to the minds and hands that preserve and care for it best"

I'm not really sure how you came to this conclusion considering that you seem to appreciate the general message of the video here because I pointed clearly to how most of the wealth has been concentrated into the hands of those who are most manipulative, deceptive and basically heartless. They aren getting rich through 'careful management' - they have systematically used mind control and deception to hide the truth from the majority of people for so long and used both covert and overt oppression at every opportunity to maintain their power position. The disempowering of the majority is what needs to be healed now for everyone to go to their right place.

In terms of the causes of why people decide what they do - we are all unique, but most of most people is unconscious at this point and until we consciously become more of who we really are by deliberate processes of making the unconscious become conscious - we will continue to repeat the cycles of the past aeons with no real progress. Nurture is only as beneficial as our own nature has been free'd and this is our own responsibility. The fact that most people have never even considered this, let alone acted on it reliably, is part of why this whole nightmare exists. Ultimately, the financial system is a reflection of deep inner imbalance and injury that is very ancient - it pre-dates even the predatory patterns we see in the animal world.

It is possible for different groups with different needs to live in harmony, I don't actually need to kill ants (although I may do so by accident from time to time). There's always something to be learned in the process of coming into balance with others on a free will planet. <3


Ok! To pick up where we left off. Thanks for your response by the way @ura-soul!

I guess I should start by clearing some things up...

1st I definitely appreciate your breakdown of the inherent and engineered problems with our current government issued fiat. You are right in your assessment of the evils baked into the money system. (The proof is always in the pudding right?) And, I might add, I fully appreciated your eloquent delivery as it put to words what I have been thinking and telling people since I began to study money after the 2007-2008 financial crisis. This is indeed a slave system and all the supporting systems (politics, media, banks, etc.) around it are meant to distract and keep people in the dark about the state of their freedom(s) and natural rights. This creates a static/evil environment where the status quo is upheld and innovation, change, surplus, and prosperity becomes next to impossible... If you are using the old money that is...

2nd All the above being said, I disagree with your purposed solution to the money evils of the world and although you may not have said "communist", "socialist", or "collectivist" the idea is from those "ist" playbooks and has already been tried with much pain and suffering. Yes... Justice needs to be realized... but in order for us to move forward we may have to collectively bond ourselves into something altogether new before any measure of this can take place.

Leveling the playing field (as you suggested) would likely require a centralized "authority" and thereby the seeds of it's own destruction would be sown right from the get go. My point was to say that even if we were able to effect the leveling of all capital (financial and such) money would, over time, gradually (or rapidly depending on the accumulated knowledge, experience, and wisdom) flow towards the hands that knew how to manage and maintain it.

Money in the hands of someone who only consumes for himself is bound to be spent towards those who are focused on providing for that consumption and who have an alert eye to managing and maintaining it's accumulation and expense. It's just a matter of time before we would find our selves as a society in exactly the same position as before. Right where we are today... Wealth transfers are unavoidable... Even if it means that people holding on to their old forms of money miss the boat as the economy shifts towards the new money. This is a matter of intelligence, flexibility, knowledge, experience, and wisdom. To support a new economic structure those who believe in it's potential are going to have to invest our time and capital in it's realization. This inherently means that some will have more skin in the game than others.

The other point to consider (about wealth being attracted towards wealthy minds and competent hands) If you put two people in any transaction together it is the one with the experience that will leave with the money... Every single time. It's inherent within human nature to human this way... Profit incentive in business and investment is the grease that makes the economic wheels turn. Trust determines the speed of that exchange towards the provision of the needs and requirements of our society. It's a proven way in which we hold together life and limb and I don't see that as likely to change or evolve anytime soon.

It's to bad really... I wish we didn't need money at all but even with the advent of the nuclear age humans still cling to and fight for what's good for themselves first. It's a scarcity mindset... in an abundant world. This mindset is at the source of all poverty and it's subsequent problems.

I think that the best we can hope for would be to re-write/re-invent our democratic systems and I think that's what this trend towards crypto currency is. I can envision a world where we vote for the itemized issues we deem as vital, valuable, and important rather than political figure heads spouting the benefits of capitalistic or communistic economic policy. These people have zero reasons to innovate a new and better future for their constituents because the current financial system has self preservation front of mind in all it's functions. There is zero reason for real change when the people who hold the old money (and the capital it buys) vote for things to stay exactly where they are. Change the money system and no longer will life as we know it stay in stasis.

New money unlocks new ideas, solutions, and prosperity for all. I think that by investing in specific decentralized ideas it is possible to "vote" for what we want to see in the world. This is the real way to effect change. And I believe the new money has that capability. Eventually people will realize that the old money is severely limited and even handicap in this regard. One day people are going to laugh about the very idea of the new money being compared to the old and outdated money. It will seem absurd to them just like it is to us (30 years later) when we hear about the people who asked who the C.E.O. of the internet was.

@ura-soul! I bring these up not to argue with your perspectives... I bring all this up because I massively respect you and the way you articulated the current financial state. You are right on the money (pun intended) and I see value in talking about what could be the solutions that people will attempt in the near future. I may disagree on some points... But I don't need to be "right". For me being open and searching for the truth is more important. This conversation was and is invaluable so thank you for your time and ideas. :)
