Did you know - Red food coloring is made from crushed bugs?

I can already imagine @food-trail and @gringalicious going like, don't spoil my recipe please!!!
I can already imagine @food-trail and @gringalicious going like, don't spoil my recipe please!!!
While you enjoying your "StarBugs" with that red lipstick...did you know that the red food coloring is made out of a bug called Cochineal even that red lipstick you have on.

Cochineal: its an insect which natural dye called Caramine is extracted from.
Cochineal: its an insect which natural dye called Caramine is extracted from.

How the red coloring is made
How the red coloring is made
This bug is found on a plant called cacti or Cactus collected and dried. Its body is made out of carminic acid which mixed with calcium/aluminium salts to end up with the coloring dye.
Haha as if someone would give up kissing just for bugs, in some countries they're a delicacy :) thanks for sharing, interesting and weird news of the day for me.
Yes @jznsamuel you right...in South Africa we have Mopane worms and i have tried them...they delicious
Haha, thanks will have to try it one day :)
Having a crawfish boil this weekend, and thanks... this is all I'l be thinking about.
...and talking about. Now I have SUPER INTERESTING banter! haha
Thanks stay away from red food lol...Thanks glad you liked it
I have made dye clothes with this bug before. At university entomology class it was a science experiment :)
Glad to know...now that's so cool. Thanks for sharing
Do they actually grow them in farms? Do you know about anyone?
Well according to the info i got:
So they live on Cactus plants...maybe there might someone who saw a business opportunity and started farming its possible.
Wow thank you for sharing !
Thanks glad you liked it
You re welcome my friend
I have followed u ^^
Thank u!
Thanks...followed back
that's interesting to know...but you just took the fun away from my life :*(
Sorry lol
it's fine lol....that's life
interesting...upvote and follow!
Thank you very much
Is that really serious ??
This is beyond my mind, thanks for the information
Nah i guess its not an issue...so far we not getting sick from consuming them
the bugs were also taken to Australia way back when, bred and used to dye soldiers uniforms I believe!