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RE: Sec. of State Tillerson Caught On Tape Saying Starving People To Death Is Good Foreign Policy

in #tillerson7 years ago

Thank you, Lee Camp! Falling down on the ground funny, but at the same time, quite accurate. Rex Tillerson frightens me, not just because he ran Exxon, or because he has a position of power in running our country's foreign policy, but because he is what passes for sanity and coherence in the Trump administration. Heck, I've seen news articles praising him for being a voice of moderation in the Trump administration!!
I think your deeper point, that are entire national value system is completely bass-ackwards is correct.
I lived and worked for some years in Egypt, where the US props up a military dictator; and after talking extensively with Egyptians from all walks of life, I can assure you that we are not making friends over there. The military government there is not only tyrannical and unpopular, but also laughably corrupt and inept.
I think Jimmy Carter actually had it right back in the Seventies when he started talking about human rights in foreign policy. We need to stick with it.
Anyway, thanks for the post! Keep 'em coming.