Chained To The Rhythm

in #time7 years ago (edited)


Suddenly into view came a hidden hand from behind an invisible Berlin type wall, long before the truth movement began is a system one can now clearly see wreaking havock upon societies "Slate Free Minds", and on a scale not seen since the beginning of the Twentieth Century, when the standard education model began to limit true intuition, as the venerable "John Taylor Gatto" pointed out to the world not so long ago.

A journey and type of questioning that took me from a state of miss-guided ignorance towards a more sentient way of viewing the Rubicon and the many Rabbit Holes that were set out for humanity, a system that was born long before our Grandparents were even born.

But as a student of life let me say this; we are certainly living in one of the most interesting periods of human history, a history and past that non of us really got to write or say anything about, but followed blindly, led by those who are often seen as immune too and wear suits, The unellected and ever loyal NGO, a plethora of Magi and illusionists, themselves truly suffering from institutionalised blindness and political autism, anchor Men and Women, who surely would not lie to us, would they? or are they our unquestioned leaders, who we sit down and listen to every evening, then fall asleep amidst the old rhetoric they share as truth.

Themselves together with the powers that should not be, use an international network and web of illusion, deceit, and a series of silent weapons for quiet wars upon an unsuspecting public, bolstered by an astronomical educational and waring global debt program, soon to be cocooned and con-trolled within a Smart, but not very wise 5 Grid, now being rolled out and tested on us without our knowledge, in places like Newcatle England, where hundreds of the new masts are already in place.

Designed predominantly to steal away even more freedoms and awareness, a form of electronic soup and dopamine hitting governance over the minds within this heads down grid, instead of creating the many new alternatives and avenues that could help humanity realize their own true potential.
We are however being encouraged to remain perpetually young and distracted by a state and organism on steroids, more war, propaganda and a kind of magic that has worked so well for at least the last two and a half thousand years.

I am, only one of many advocates now sharing and encouraging others to "Re-Skill" from a grass routes perspective, while there are still plenty left within society who can share their useful knowledge to benefit others, so we might learn from experience and re-gain the many forms of individualism and stability that were once common place, this has by and large been removed by design by those who have manufactured a plethora of new fears and a cornucopia of ideologies and enemies not of our making.

If you look at society as a whole, those devoid of real life skills, they are like a Banker without a pen, a Navigator without a compass, Basically, if our hand to eye coordination is not working for and by us, we become vulnerable to a control system which starts off small then metastesizes into a behemoth which then removes every avenue and our feeedoms of speach.
Within humanity is a human "Varroa Destructor" which preys upon us, especially our children long before they can emerge from the womb and into the light of day.

I would also like to share along with my own creativity, seen in some of my other posts, a wide sellection of different world views, always remember, Knowledge and Wisdom have always been the stability of our times, so long may we retain enough of it in order of surviving the mono corporate machinations and their current feeding frenzy, who see human beings as mere killojoules of energy, lower hanging fruit to be picked for their own aggrandizement, yet refuse to admit that they are all absolutely vulnerable themselves without the peoples help.

And Finally, a polite message to those now knowingly helping, "The powers that should not be" and their "Bullets Bombs and Bankers, who's books they are helping to be properly balanced, using age old and add lib lines lines like, I was just doing my job, towing he party line, as their esoteric parlances.
I would also like to remind them of what official history has often proved, and that is, those who fit their bill and strive to live but never really do, may be the next in line for future cuts and many forms of "Indirect Violence" called "Austerity; that are now in full flow and truly beginning to snap at everyones heels; While the same Tavistock and twisted minds are encouraging us into further decimating and destroying millions more unarmed innocents just like our own children here and around the planet.

I humbly urge the seemingly clever but not so wise, not to despise the uneducated fool, and to, diss-continue working for and inside the deepest darkest recesses and avenues of "World Governance", The Military, Civil and Secret and or Services, before their own loved ones parisimoniousness begins to faulter, because the selfish elitist mindset together with our blinded actions, has been ever so destructive in its current form of generational ignorance.

When will the masses see thing as they truly are and cease walking in shoes made in childrens eye, before it is our own children making those shoes for the new foot soldiers of empire already planned, thank you for listening.

Cover photo is a pair of prized Swaledale Rams, tied together for their own safety, title, Chained.