Know Why does Time Feel like it go Faster as we Get?

in #time2 years ago

*Why does time feel like it go faster as we get older?
1)In simple words, human brains lumps time together when the days or weeks are similar, so for an 80 year old who lively does the same thing everyday the year is going to blank together in their mind and feel like it went by quickly.
2)In rare condition,person who feel times goes very fast,he suffer from tachysensia, where people experience at temporary distortion of time and sound, during which they get the "fast feeling" that everything is moving more rapidly than it actually is.

*Why does time go faster when you have fun?
1)Time go faster when you have fun, because at the time of fun, body boost dopamine release which cause internal clock to run faster.
2)Time go faster when we have fun, because it seems to pass more quickly when one is enjoying oneself.
3)When we have fun time goes faster because we don't focus on time.
Know some mind blowing facts
*At what is does the time move the fastest?
1)At the age of 33 years,a year is 3%of your life so far,so time passes almost seven times faster than it did when you were five,Time for an 80 year old passes almost in a blink of eye 17 times faster than it does for a 5 year old.

*Why do I feel like time is moving so fast?
1)Our mind lumps days and week together as similar,a lot of it has to do with the way we process memory,something called "Chunking".
2)If you feel like time is moving so fast,because as we age the years seem to pass by more quickly because our experiences and memories are compressed into a shorter amount of subjective time.

*Why time goes so fast nowadays?
1)Time goes so fast nowadays because as we grow older,we experiences the world more and more familiar,and we become desensitised to our experience,which means that we process less information,and time seems to speed up.

*Why does time seem to be going so fast?
1)Our brain has the ability to process visual information slows with age;we perceive fewer mental images,and time feels like it's speeding up.
2)If time seem to be going so fast,time's flow can only speed up on slow down only "psychologically", when we are engrossed in something great interest, and we may not feel the time "pass"
while there are time we may feel that the time is dragging.

*Is time going faster in 2023?
1)Time is in auto pilot mode, as we get older we get the more we hide in the knows.
2)Time is a perspection, not an absolute, time is experience relativity meaning you don't undergo time at a specific speed but only as a different form usual. So when the time feels "fast" is actually means "faster than before".

*Why does time go by so fast in the morning?
1)Time go by so fast in the morning because body is restore from the night's sleep, when someone feel good and energetic, time can pass faster.
2)In morning, our mind reward centre tends to be at its most active, so when we are fun,time go by very fast