Twins in a Tiny House!? Full Tiny House Walk Through
How do you live in a tiny house when you have twins? In this video, I do a full walk though of our tiny house and show you some of the adaptations we made to accommodate two babies.
Want a little more back story on the filming of this video?
Wondering why we moved out of the tiny house?
How did we built our tiny house?

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Wow awesome job you did on that tiny house.
I think you hit the nail on the head so many times in this video I will only mention a few.
Gosh I spend so much time trying to keep my children from bumping their heads. At one point our oldest son had a lump on his forehead that would not go away. Then he finally bumped it on on something sharp, it bled and he has not bumped that spot since then, so the bump has finally gone away. It is a daily battle in our house to keep the kids from hurting themselves. They all think they have super powers!
I wondered if you made a custom Berkey water filter? You didn't tell us anything about the water filter.
I will give you an upvote tomorrow after I get my previously delegated sp back.
I think your tiny house showed many quality parts and it would not take much to finish everything. Maybe one full day for you or I.
I also wanted to say you did a beautiful job on the bathroom door. Nice touch!
Can I ask how much the total cost was including the 26 foot trailer?
Yeah, that is a custom (rigged lol) Berkey water filter. I gave the stainless Berkey to my mom but I had extra filters so I made this one.
I don't know the exact price, we never did tally all the receipts but I think it was approximately 30k CAD. The trailer was used and we modified it quite a bit to make it work. I recommend people get a new custom trailer though I don't think the money saved was worth the time I spent on it.
That's beautiful we have been using berkey water filters for 12 years.
For those that want to know it is 24000 usd= 30000 cad
We once lived in an 18 foot diameter yurt with just one baby, then toddler... It got small pretty quick, but we spent a lot of time outside...
Yeah I think that was a big part of our issue. It's hard to spend a lot of time out side with small babies when it is -20. We plan to have them outside a lot this summer though!
I once lived in a very cluttered 3200 sq ft (about, what, 350 sq m) house. Now I live in about 300 sq ft that are very well organized and neat and I am so much happier. But if you can do a tiny house with twins, you all are geniuses with organization.
We made it work as best we could but it was challenging. I don't think it helps that we have winter 6 months a year here.
Wow this is great. If I was on the fence before I'm getting one now. It just makes so much sense. Bravo for making the most of the space. Some day I'll do it. Great video. It sucks when our gear decides to not play along. Can't wait to see more. All the best my fellow Canuck.
Thank you!
Does your electricity bills eat a lot on your budget? Thank you for sharing this video on here. Thumbs UP mate.
Right now we are sharing electricity so it is affordable. If we weren't it would still be affordable. We run our entire house on one 15 amp circuit. I designed it to be off-grid if needed.
Congrats on your twins, my wife and I are trying for a second right now. I would lose my shit if it turns out to be twins. A year ago we downsized from a 2.5K sq foot house to a 1K sq foot. It is so much easier to clean and maintain, I would never get a huge house again.
I think I lost my shit a little too. ... 🙂
Wow amazing!, and congrats for your twins. no matter of size i think, but more to how you manage it. small but efficient much better than big and un-maintain. wish you luck my friend @canadianrenegade
I think you have done an amazing job on this tiny house. The design is really awesome. The fact that you can be so comfortable with twins is astounding. I lived in a 900sq. home with four boys, so I can relate a little Nothing unnecessary and everything has a purpose. You guys are an inspiration!
Thanks I wouldn't say comfortable but the space was adequate. There are many places where people live and raise families in small apartments. A lot of it i just mindset and expectations.
you tiny house is so amazing sir. i wish i could build a tiny house like your.
Good review. I am going to watch it