Beware of Bots promising untold riches. ( Bots Part 1)
The topic of this sub-series of vlogs for beginners concerns "upvote" bots.
If you have spent any time looking at the "tending" pages in Steemit among the myriad posts about "Crypto-currency" you would have noticed an number of posts regarding Upvote #bots. Some for and some against.
The purpose of this, and subsequent posts in the series IS NOT to lay out the various arguments for and against.
But rather to look a bit further into how the Bots operate, and to trial a couple to assess whether I have found them to work, AND how to improve your chances of AVOIDING loosing your dough as I did the first time.
Hopefully you find it useful
And a big shout out to @thundercurator and @dynamicgreentk for all their assistance and upvotes!
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