The curse of Amen-Ra's mummy (creepy story + theory about titanic)

in #titanic7 years ago

In the world many superstitions earned respect from people, the magic explanation is fascinating, in some cases we do not have a scientific explanation for what is really amazing. There are many expressions of malignant desire, by virtue of the power of language that is to say (to long for something to be fulfilled). It is when we begin to touch the theme of this publication. Always to develop we must go from the beginning, so let's go where everything started ..

Source image: Pixabay
The curse said.. "Wake up from your prostration and the ray of your eyes will annihilate all those who want to take possession of you".

Once there was a famous princess in Egypt called the princess of Amen-Ra was also known as the priestess of Amem-Ra, she lived about 1500 BC, the truth is that Amen-Ra at the time of his death was embalmed and buried in a wooden sarcophagus, was buried not so far from the banks of the Nile River, no one knew the whereabouts of the queen, they even forgot the existence of Amen-Ra so that they ignored her, and stopped looking for her for a while. Everything was rosy in the rest of the princess, until in 1890 a couple of young Englishmen visited the excavations in the area.

In that beautiful place was the sarcophagus of the princess, which was stolen by this pair of rich children, thinking of auctioning it and getting millions .. They bid for the princess, one of them put a very high sum of money and was delivered the Valuable sarcophagus in your hotel.

This seemed normal, they have the habit of doing this with all the historical pieces of auctioning them and getting the right of them, but ..

The same day hours later, the one who had bought the sarcophagus had disappeared, walked into the desert and never heard from him again. The next day, one of the British lost everything even his arm because of an accidental shot. One lost all his money staying in the street; the last one was incompetent because of a terrible illness and ended up selling matches in the street.

This was the frightening start of a series of events ..

Source image: Pixabay
After a series of catastrophes years later, the sarcophagus of Princess Amen-Ra would be taken to England, people thought that the curse would go unnoticed and the deaths would stop happening.

Its owner was a millionaire who was saved from suffering a misfortune, three of his relatives were seriously injured in a car accident and his house caught on fire. This was very disturbing and alarming and decided to donate the sarcophagus for fear of something similar or worse, against him or his loved ones. The piece was taken to the British Museum the curse was present when transporting the sarcophagus, the truck where he was drove alone and hit a pedestrian. In addition to one of those responsible for carrying it broke a leg and his companion died very soon after a very strange disease, completely unknown.

The problems were on the rise, as soon as the princess was placed in the museum in the Egyptian area. The people in charge of the place heard noises coming from the sarcophagus and scratches, they saw shadows and everything happened near the sarcophagus or it came from him. Pieces of the museum dawned, as if their objects were walking .. One of his guards was found dead, the rest resigned terrified, even museum visitors suffered these catastrophes, one day a subject touched the sarcophagus and his son died. So he made the decision to take the princess to a basement where her curse had no effect.

Even so those who took care of her died and got sick.

The press wanted to publicize the case, but a photographer took a shot And an ugly face appeared at the time the image was revealed! The ugly face posed above the beautiful image of the wooden sarcophagus, the photographer arriving at his house committed suicide with a shot in the head.

And to end with all this, the museum decided to get rid of the valuable princess and a millionaire bought it, and this only had the intention of protecting the sarcophagus to prevent further events. So because of the tragedies he sought help and locked her up.

This search helps a woman called Madame Helena Blavatski a complete authority in the hidden world of the twentieth century. This woman just entered the place felt the hostile environment and felt in danger, I implore the owner of the piece to get rid of it, and request an exorcism. Anyway, nobody would want to stay with the princess, so they were against the sword and the wall.

But a buyer appeared, an American archaeologist felt interest in the sarcophagus and this would be transferred to New York, but there was no opportunity to move him to New York, on April 10, 1912 (at night). princess in a boat with (2224 passengers) this boat is in a provision to go through the Atlantic.

This was the Olympic R.M.S. class ocean liner. Titanic

source: La Serena Online

I hope you draw your own conclusions. Yes, the Titanic sank and was one of the most terrifying catastrophes in history. The titanic took life of more than 1500 people, and is sunk in the depth of the Atlantic with his strange passenger, it is said that the evil power of Amen-Ra caused this tragedy and that the shipwreck was the cause of a series of errors of the captain of the boat Edward Smith was a guy with an extraordinary journey in the world of tides, but during the Titanic he did not have a normal behavior in him, since he was used to a sail for your dangerous waters .. To begin the course and the speed of the ship, there is something that we know that is not in control, the initiative of the salvations and the amount of time it takes to publicize the plan of rescue, was something very strange. This princess was not deposited in one of the ship's holds, but near her captain. Smith, a long storyteller, most archaeologists who approached crazed mothers and others got sick, some committed suicide. Maybe this mom drove Captain Smith crazy. Since he is behind him, near the command post.

Did Amen-Ra drive Captain Edward Smith crazy?

Source image: Wikipedia.

We will never know, but it is a very curious fact and have something to see And also, it is said that the mother was inside but that it was not her sarcophagus, she could visit the sarcophagus in the British Museum. (Without the mummy inside).
