
Reply to Post your Steem ID if you are pumped for NEWSTEEM!

User @steemitqa wrote at 05.07.2019 21:32:49 UTC:

Just post a link to your Steem ID if you are a #NEWSTEEM fan.


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Topic: Purpose of this NEW STEEM TokenBB

So, the idea is to gather all the thoughts and resources of how to promote the idea of NEW STEEM. You can read about it here (BEWARE! longer version with lots of comments! and here (shorter version ).

We wanted to change the thinking we have about he past issues with Steem and start fresh. As you can see within those two posts lays out what WE HAVE DONE and a reason to grab hold of these new ideas and promote them far and wide. Tokenbb allows us to put everything in one area and get this new movement started. We are eager to have you join us on this NEW STEEM ride! Let us know what you want added around this forum and we'll gladly add it. Want to become a moderator let us know! Thanks.

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Reply to Purpose of this NEW STEEM TokenBB

To be honest, I didn't get the point of NEW STEEM? Yes, we want to improve our comunity. Yes, we want to make STEEM better.
But what exactly can I do?

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Reply to Purpose of this NEW STEEM TokenBB

User @achimmertens wrote at 05.07.2019 11:14:52 UTC:

To be honest, I didn't get the point of NEW STEEM? Yes, we want to improve our comunity. Yes, we want to make STEEM better.
But what exactly can I do?

Well, this is what we hope to figure out here. Brainstorm around ideas how to spread the word about (NEW) Steem. Shortly, I'll be posting some ideas around what you just mentioned.

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Topic: Discussions Around NEWSTEEM

@elipowell appeared and made a post here regarding her thoughts on #NEWSTEEM. Seems to me NEWSTEEM is making its way into the minds of everyone on Steem, and Steem, Inc. top brass.

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Reply to Discussions Around NEWSTEEM

@krnel was a bit more skeptical in his post . How much different can we make NEWSTEEM from OLD Steem? I think its a good question and a good way to figure out how do we seperate ourselves out. He raises some reasons why we are really NEWSTEEM. Overall, it's a worthy read.

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Reply to Discussions Around NEWSTEEM

I think that it's great that we are going to start a concentrated marketing effort to promote the steem eco system.

I would also say that before we do this we need to fix our entry point to steem.

I know that they own and want to get that set up as a proper portal to the steem blockchain with to open accounts and a live feed with the best of all our apps to entice users. At the moment I can't bring friends to open accounts as it is too complicated and unappealing.

I feel we need to have a portal into the blockchain where we can sent interested people that gives them the best possible introduction and shows us in a positive light. First impressions are hugely important and until we get it sorted I think we are fighting a losing battle.

You can't market what isn't there.

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Reply to Discussions Around NEWSTEEM

I agree @niallon11 it is pretty difficult in a way to get people onboarded. I think with INV Invite token we can figure out some ways to make things work.

As for a portal into the blockchain I agree . I'd do more of directory and funnel people to where they might be interested. You bring up all good points!

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