RE: Forum steem
Reply to 50% Author / 50% Curator Rewards Changes
Thank you for getting this started @thecryptodrive. There has been a lot of discussion bot in posts and in some of the discords. The topic was kicked around at the monthly Witness Chat last Wednesday.
Unfortunately there was a lock of top 20 witnesses present to hear their views on the changes. The general consensus I heard was that most folks want to see the SPS. They want to see it funded effectively but not through hitting one area of the inflation pool. We all should carry the effort.
I heard almost no support for the idea of the 50/50 split. Most people don't believe it will change any current behaviour and will serve to discourage content creators. Some forget that content creation takes many forms, not just blogging. We are creating content in conversing here for example.
The downvote pool did generate a diversity of views. Some felt it would invite more flag wars, some thought it could be of some benefit. Others thought it would not make a big difference either way, they would be unlikely to use it any more than now as there would still be a retaliation mentality.
I'll mention this forum to others and see if we can get some conversation going.