Review: Tokyo Revengers a 10/10 manga and anime

in #tokyolast year

Looking for a manga with time travelling, love story, humour, fighting and gang then Tokyo Revengers is made for you.

And if by any chance you want to read/watch Tokyo Revengers know that all the support are great (both manga and animated version are great).

The story ? Without spoiling to much you will follow the life of an 26 year old guy and when he will turn on the TV he will see his ex-girl friend got killed by a gang and after almost dieing he will be able to go back in the past to try to save his ex-girl friend. And that's the moment when the story really begin and you will see the evolution of this guy in the past to try to save the girl he loved so much.

With this known i can tell you what i liked (⚠There may be some spoil), i liked the time travel time and the particularly good made effect of time travel (example : he kill someone, when he get back to present the person is dead and the whole present changed), I liked the humour of the character and the transaction between a moment that will make you laugh and big fighting scene where the weak guy we are following is half dead but keep fighting for the girl he love, something i liked a lot too were the non predictable story what i mean is sometime you will wait something to happen but something completely different will happen but nothing too much at the same time what i mean is the author play with adding character we didn't know the existence of in order to make the story advance but never introduce character the story will never need again each character have a role in the story and will be "called" at least 2 or 3 time but more like 5 - 6 time in average

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Talking more about graphics in the anime and manga too all the expressions of face are made perfectly and we "feel the emotions of the character" if you add perfectly made voice line (or text bubble in the manga) you will feel the character or at least it was how i feelt it

Talking about fighting scene as you can see on the following image both in the anime and the manga the fighting scene are really detailed and after reading the manga and watching the anime i can grant you that you will "feel" the fight i mean you will start to "be" (not really be but you get the point) in the fight. What i mean is that in the fighting scene and in the whole anime/manga you well probably (at least i did) feel like being in the story and for me this is the sign for a great book/manga/manhwas/anime/whatever
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If i had to give this manga a general grade out of 10 it would probably be 10 even if for the moment there is no end and in a lot of time the ending is the moment the manga is bad made. But yeah when i readed and watched this i laughed, feelt surprised when new character arrived, and surprised each time something happened so definitely a 9,999/10 for me

because it's a bit frustrating when :
(it's not really a bad point i just wanted to make a meme about tokyo revengers, hard to not spoil)

That's all for my review of Tokyo revengers, it wasn't that simple to talk about the book without spoiling (or the less possible), Hope you enjoyed the post if you have any question or something to say the comments are here for this, Have the best day on hive