Upvote Town 2steemCreated with Sketch.

in #town7 years ago

   "Hello And Welcome To Upvote Town"

             I Would Like To Say That In My Quaint Little Town We Could Actually Become Something. This Isn't Something That is Easily Achieved But With A Little Work Then All Will Be Good Use Tag upvotetown and Link This Post So Everyone Can Know About This. SO Basically What Happens Is Everyone Who Makes A Comment Will Be Upvoted Unless Its A Bot Or Someone On The Banlist. The Top People Are Active People And There Is The Up-Vote Shout Outs That Are Randomly Selected People Or Amusing Comments. So If Someone Has a Shout Out Or Is A Top Person You Would Go To Their Account And Upvote Alot Of Their Posts.I Will Try To Post One Of These Every day. To Help This Upvote Town Grow Repost This Post Without The Top People Or Banlist With This Link To The Original Upvote Town. https://steemit.com/upvotetown/@toastyness/upvote-town

Banlist/Spammers                        Top People                           Upvote Shoutouts

No one Yet                                             Nope                                     Not A Thing Here

                                                                                                                                    2nd Town