Turkish House In Krakow/Poland [EN][TR][PL]

in #tr7 years ago

I live in Krakow and I didn't know there was a Turkish House in Dluga street in Krakow and also Polish people are not aware of that building. I live the next street of 'Turecki Dom', It is one of those buildings that I often see but I haven't really paid attention to it. One day I realized this building has minaret and I went in front of the building and there was an information about this building. I wanted to go inside of the building but people live there so I didn't knock the door. Then I started to search about it on the internet.


This mysterious building was built in 1885 by Artur Teodor Rayski. But who is he and why did he build this building? Well it is a mystery. He was participant of the January Uprising, after that he emigrated to Ottoman Empire. He spent most of his life as an officer in the Ottoman Army. Then he went back to Krakow and he build this building. And also his son Ludomił Antoni Rayski was accepted into the Turkish Air Force and he served during the battle of Gallipoli, where he was seriously wounded. He also lived in this building and he was creator of Polish Air Force. On the front side of building there is a memory board which is devoted to him.

Ludomił Antoni Rayski source

There are two different stories about Turkish House. He married an Egyptian muslim and he moved to Krakow with her. Minaret of the building was built for her. But there is another story. In fact his wife was a catholic woman whose signature is on the plans of the building. It was she who allowed the minaret to be built. And there is a rumor about the statue of the Virgin Mary which is in front of the building. the statue of the Virgin Mary was supposedly built by outraged neighbour. This is not true. The statue was there before 1865 and it was destroyed by the storm. After that it was renewed in 1896.

Well why did they name this building 'Turkish House'? I made a deep search on the internet but I couldn't find an answer. In my opinion, probably Rayski lived in Istanbul for a long time as an army officer and he was impressed with Turkish architecture especially minarets. And then he built this building with minarets. But who knows? There are only rumors and legends on the internet. If you have an opinion about this building, you can leave a comment.

Krakow'da Türk Evi
Merhaba arkadaşlar. Krakowda yaşıyorum ve yaşadığım yerin hemen yan caddesinde Dluga caddesinde devamlı gördüğüm bir ev vardı. Her zaman geçtiğim cadde ve binanın minareli olduğunu görünce evin yakınına gidip ne olduğunu öğrenmek istedim. Dışarıda bir kaç bilgi verilmişti ama yeterli değildi. İçeri girmek isterdim ama evde yaşayanlar vardı.

Bu gizemli bina Artur Teodor Rayski tarafından 1885 yılında inşa edilmiş. Ama neden bu adam minareli bir Türk evi inşa etti? Yaptığım araştırmalar sonucunda Ocak Ayaklanması'ndan sonra Rayski, Osmanlı Devleti'ne göç etmiş. Hayatının büyük bir kısmını Osmanlı ordusuna askerlik yaparak geçirmiş. Daha sonra Krakow'a dönerek bu binayı inşa etmiş. Ayrıca oğlu Ludomil Osmanlı hava kuvvetlerine kabul edilmiştir. Gelibolu'da savaşmış ve ciddi bir şekilde yaralanmıştır. Aynı zamanda kendisi Polonya Hava Kuvetleri'nin kurucusudur. Oğlu da bu evde yaşamıştır ve evin önünde onun hatrına anı yazıtı vardır.

Türk evinin yapılışı hakkında iki farklı hikaye var. Birinci hikayeye göre Rayski Mısırlı bir kadın ile evlenir ve Krakow'a geri döndüğünde onu da beraberinde götürerek onun için bu evi inşa eder. Ama ikinci hikayeye göre Rayski'nin eşi zaten katolik bir Polonyalıdır ve evin planında da imzası vardır. Minarelerin inşa edilmesine o izin vermiştir. Evin hemen önünde Meryem Ana heykeli vardır ve bu da dedikodu sebebi olmuştur. Bazılarına göre bu heykel etraftaki evlerin bu eve karşı bu heykeli diktirdiği, bazılarına göre ise o heykel zaten ev inşa edilmeden önce vardı ve heykel bir fırtına sonucunda zarar gördüğü için 1996 yılında yenilenmiştir.

Peki neden bu evi 'Türk Evi' olarak adlandırdılar? Araştırmalarım sonucunda hiçbir cevaba rastlamadım. Bana göre, Rayski İstanbul'da yaşadığı dönemlerde Türk mimarisinden etkilendi ve Krakow'daki bu evi de Türk mimarisine göre yapmaya çalıştı. Fakat kim bilir? İnternet üzerinde sadece dedikodular ve efsaneler var. Siz eğer nedenini öğrenirseniz veya herhangi bir fikriniz varsa paylaşırsanız sevinirim.

Turecki Dom
Mieszkam w Krakowie i nie wiedziałem, że znajduje się tam, przy ulicy Długiej, Turecki Dom. Również Polacy nie są tego świadomi. Mieszkam przy ulicy, która znajduje się koło ulicy na której jest ‘Turecki Dom’, to jeden z budynków które często widzę ale nie zwracałem na to zbytniej uwagi. Pewnego dnia zorientowałem się, że ten budynek posiada minaret więc podszedłem do niego i była tam informacja o budowli. Chciałem wejść do środka, ale mieszkają tam ludzie więc nie chciałem przeszkadzać, a zamiast tego zacząłem szukać informacji o nim na Internecie.

Ten tajemniczy budynek został zbudowany w 1885r. przez Artura Teodora Rayskiego. Ale kim on jest? I dlaczego go zbudował? To tajemnica. Był uczestnikiem powstania styczniowego, po którym emigrował do Imperium osmańskiego. Spędził większość swojego życia jako oficer w osmańskiej armii. Później wrócił do Krakowa i zbudował ten budynek. Również jego syn Ludomił Antoni Rayski został przyjęty do tureckich sił lotniczych i służył podczas bitwy o Gallipoli podczas której został poważnie ranny. Także mieszkał w ‘Tureckim Domu’ i był kreatorem polskiego lotnictwa. Na kamienicy znajduje się tablica pamiątkowa poświęcona jemu.

Są dwie historie o ‘Tureckim Domu’. Rayski ożenił się z egipcjańską muzłumanką i przeprowadził się z nią do Krakowa. Minaret na budynku został zbudowany dla niej, ale jest również inna historia. Tak na prawdę jego żona była katoliczką, której podpis widnieje na planach budynku. Ona wydała pozwolenie na budowę minaretu. Istnieje plotka o pomniku Matki Boskiej, który znajduje się przed budowlą, że został postawiony przez oburzonych sąsiadów. To nie prawda. Znajdował on się tam przed 1865r. i został zniszczony przez sztorm. W 1896r. został odnowiony.

Więc dlaczego nazwali ten budynek ‘Tureckim Domem’? Prowadziłem długie i dogłębne poszukiwania na Internecie, ale nie znalazłem odpowiedzi na to pytanie. Według mnie prawdopodobnie Rayski mieszkał w Stambule przez długi czas jako oficer armii i zaimponowała mu turecka architektura, a w szczególności minarety. Dlatego później postawił z nimi budynek. Ale kto wie? Krążą tylko plotki i legendy na Internecie. Jeżeli masz opinie na temat tej budowli, zostaw komentarz.

Sources : [1] [2]