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RE: Tradeqwik Exchange to Launch Dividend paying TQS Asset Monday Morning

in #tradeqwik8 years ago (edited)

Very excited about the launch of TQS and planning to gobble up a bunch for myself.

However, I must register a note of utmost dismay at the fact that you are adding ETC, the illegitimate bastard offspring of ETH. I wouldn't touch that with a ten foot pole, it was created mainly by Bitcoin maximalists looking to damage Ethereum and should be avoided by anyone truly interested in seeing the advancement of smart contract technology. I would hate for people who don't know any better to buy it simply because it looks like a "cheap" ETH. It's a dead-end coin with no real future other than pure price speculation, basically a form of digital snake oil.


I learn something from this comment. Thank you. :)

My pleasure, I feel better now that I've gotten that rant off my chest. Any mention of ETC just tends to push all my buttons. :-)

I wish I have some buttons. I need to learn more to have some. :)