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RE: Tradeqwik Exchange to Launch Dividend paying TQS Asset Monday Morning

in #tradeqwik8 years ago

Because DOGE is a trivial add. It's already supported by the open source project we derived TQ from, by default.
BitShares requires a gateway to be built.


If you mean a Bridge, kencode could build one for TQ quite easily. The Bitshares assets can be passed around like any other coin.. BTS, bitUSD, bitSilver, etc. A gateway is only needed for fiat exchanges. kencode has all the libraries you could ever want for blockchain related features. Please email me your technical specifications and he can probably put one of his teams on it immediately. My e-mail account is on file withTradequick. If you would like to arrange a ZOOM conference call with me and kencode we would welcome that. We are both in European time zones, and would fit our schedules to suit a call with you.

Yes this is on the list of things for the week.
BTW are you on TQ basecamp?

I haven't had time to familiarize myself with it yet, but will do so soon. (I have been working 20 hour days for weeks - we have a lot on the go). I did register there, but that's all. I do monitor the and I sent substantial funds to Tradeqwik yesterday to participate in a major way in the Dividend paying TQS Asset

Excellent, but sorry to hear about the 20 hour days.

We've been working on improving the communications aspect. I pulled out of viva chat in order to focus on the work at hand, but we have had significant discussions about our direction and @wiser has been slowly informing folks here. TQ Basecamp is the best way to stay in the up to the moment loop.

Building a bridge/gateway into bitshares world is a huge priority. We'll be debuting the roadmap and some projects to help us get there, with complete SOWs and we will be seeking bids for them soon.

Glad you're excited about TQS.

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