Forex Trade Ideas

in #trading8 years ago

Forex trading/signal services have been around for a long time. Usually the business model is to either pay to learn a technique or pay for the signal itself. There are problems with both models:

Paying to learn the technique is similar to the "teach a man to fish" analogy. In a perfect world, the student would be able to learn from the instructor and then become an efficient and profitable forex trader. Unfortunately humans have these wonderful things called emotions. Emotions are the enemy of all traders. They cause us to miss trades and over trade. They cause us to take huge losses because we can't admit that we are wrong. Until a trader learns to control his/her emotions, learning a technique or system may not be profitable or enjoyable. It's a long road that will make many go broke before they get to the promise land. It took me over 8 years and a lot of losses to realize how big of a role emotions play and the necessity to control them.

Paying for a signal service is similar to the "give a man a fish" analogy. The man will get a meal from an expert today, but there is no guarantee the expert will be around tomorrow. The man becomes dependent on the expert. In trading, this is like following a trader who gets hot and has a couple of big wins in a row. Everyone loves the trader and keeps following him. The praise him and rejoice that they have found someone who finally "gets" the market. The problem that arises is if the trader hits a cold streak and has a couple of losses. This is inevitable in trading. If you are following his signal service you are most likely pissed you are paying him and he is wrong, and worse is you may unsubscribe right before he goes on another win streak and make back all your money and then some. The other problem is if the trader decides to quit trading. Say he has made enough money that he no longer needs to risk anything. It's been a great ride, but what do you do now? Your golden goose is gone, and you don't know how to trade...

The point of this post is that I have been asked to teach people to trade or just simply generate a signal service. I've toyed with both of them and I believe the steem platform may work well for this application. I'm interested in hearing which option people would be more interested in. Do you want to learn or do you want a signal service?


I Prefer learning it has been two years and i am not profitable yet but learning new things every day

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