New Tools. Breaking Base Scanner!!! plus an active slack ChatroomsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #trading7 years ago (edited)

Wow things are progressing quite quickly for our community.

There are members who are going above and beyond to help out everyone with our trading. A few weeks ago @tizzle created a slack chatroom that already has 275 members. I occasionally stop in the room to answer questions and chit chat. Its also a great place to find current news as it happens, many eyes on the market is better than just one. And now @niwa created a breaking base scanner and channels on slack that will alert us to bases that are breaking. These two guys have been working together to make our lives easier :)

So here are the link to:
the slack chatroom --
Once you join the chatroom you can add the channels : #scanner_alerts_btc, #scanner_alerts_eth and #scanner_alerts_fiat
If you have any questions about setting everything up, please ask @tizzle

Im new to slack, and I have not had a chance to try everything out or evaluate this new tool, but it looks very promising.
Thanks you @tizzle and @niwa for your hard work in our behalf.

Oh, Oops, I was just told that the slack chatroom was created by @allyourbase11 and @tizzle is an admin, I apologize for not mentioning you in the quick video, but we thank you :)



The link to the slack channel doesn't work, anyone else have one so I can join it?

The link doesn't seem to be working anymore. @tizzle, i hope you can read my reply just below. Tx.

no luck on the link either...

The public invite link has been taken down temporarily while we work to improve security.

I would love to join the slack. Not a spammer, just a noob eager to learn and hopefully contribute to the community.

Same! Pwease let me in!

Is it going to be online anytime soon ;)? Can't wait to try the basebreaking scanner!

We are building a new and more seccure front entrace for new users, this will replace the public links which were formerly used. This should help us assure a safer experience for our community going forward. I don't know when we will be done, but it should be within 2 weeks or less I would guess.

as for the base scanner, just remember that this is a BETA tool that is a work in progress. It is designed to find incremental opportunities, it does not replace the manual labor that is required to read charts, take notes, and set alerts. There is no silver bullet, you must still learn how to trade correctly to use it to it's fullest.

Once we re-open the door's I promise that @quickfingersluc's followers will be the first people to know.

@tizzle I would love to get access to the slack channel and base breaking scanner. I am new to trading crypto coins, but learning fast! @quickfingersluc Your videos and teaching have been fantastic to help me get my head around everything. Thank you.

I am happy to give back to the community as we all learn more. :)

Yes, I've heard Slack does not work well as a public interface because they are a spammer magnet and you can't keep them out, also they can easily pass themselves off as an admin and get high success passing around phishing links etc.

Precisely why we closed the doors @duval - but we have been working on a solution that will solve most of these issues. With that said, Slack has really grown on me, its a great communication tool for communities once you learn how to work around the limitations.

Hi Tizzle . You asked a question about Canadian exchanges. The main trusted one in Canada is quadrigaCX. It allows you to trade actual Canadian currency.

Hi @tizzle, i'm a new follower of @quickfinersluc since last week and have watched almost every video he's posted since. I've lust dowloaded this one on the base breaking scanner and while going through the comments realized the link to the scanner has been disabled. Would you kindly assist with access to the slack channel and the scanner. Thanks

Hey @tizzle the imajur is not working can you leave the link for the base scanner and possibly another room invite...thanks

im new has the link been fixed or how do we get the scanner... thanks mate

I just tried it luck

i created a new discord channel, help spread the word!...

I will forgive this slight indiscretion, pending delivery of my lambo from using your techniques.

A++, would read again.

hey! do you have a new invitation link to the slack?

Hi @tizzle, i was part of the room but i noticed my account has been deactivated. Out of good intention and will I shared what i considered valuable info on encrypting files for security. If that was understood as spam, please take my apologise, wont' happen again. May I get the account activated again please? It really is a misunderstanding. Thanks in advance.

If that spam was really from you, thats a shame. It means you were the reason we had to shut down the public invite URL.

Due to this experience, we decided to stop letting new members into the Slack until we find a solution to stop spammers from joining our 1000+ strong community.

PS: For the record, your post was clearly spam. It concerned other community members who were vigilant about removing the links you posted for security reasons. I agreed with their assessment, and it made it worse knowing that it was your first post in the Slack. On the bright side you can be rest assured knowing that you are the only person to have been banned from the Slack group for any reason whatsoever, we are pretty lenient in the Slack but we take a very hard line against SPAM of any kind. Sorry.

@tizzle, I am an 8y experienced FX trader who is now making a transition into crypto... I am more than willing to help and contribute in the community. I am ashamed that such post caused issues. It wasn't my intention at all. Prove of that is my constant follow up to make up for any inconvenience caused. It has been my concern since day 1 to improve security around crypto trading (as dif beast vs FX), so when i found out about a way to encrypt dropbox files, first thing i thought was to share it to benefit the whole community. That's who I am, genuine in my intentions and desires to help and contribute. I chose the wrong channel to share such info i guess (making it look spam, which didn't cross my mind at the time). Naive mistake, which who knows if it can turn out to potentially help to make the slack room a better place. I just hope that you could re-consider an activation as I wish, even with more desire now, to demonstrate how valuable a member i am about to become. Again, accept my apologies for the honest mistake caused. Thanks.

When (if?) we re-open the gates there will be an application process. Let us know who you are at that time, we can re-evaluate. Right now our focus is on security, there will be no new members until we solve that process.

Noted @tizzle hoping you can re-consider.

Hi @tizzle, find this valuable website... tells u how fast the communities are growing in reddit and twitter... a must have website is fresh new ... a programmer in a slack i participate put it together.. feel free to share it. Look forward to receive invite for slack again.

Shortcut to add the optional scanner channels once you become a member of the quickfingerstraders.slack:

Type one of the following commands in the message box, then press enter.

  • /join #scanner_alerts_btc
  • /join #scanner_alerts_eth
  • /join #scanner_alerts_fiat

UPDATE: The base scanner's developer @Niwa is working to fix some bugs that were found when moving the scanner into Slack. The scanner will be fully operational again shortly.

UPDATE: The @niwa Slack Base Scanner is back online! Please help us test the SCANNER, you can post a report in the Slack #General channel if you find anything wrong - plz tag @niwa and myself so we are aware. The scanner's algorithm is a a work in progress, your feedback can help us improve it's abilities over time!

@tizzle I tried to join the slack team but I got the following message:
"This invite link is no longer active.

Please check with the person who shared it with you to see if there's a new link available."

Is there a new link?

NOTE: The public invite link has been taken down temporarily while we work to improve security.

Unable to find BTC and ETH scanners

Hey, the links for the slack chat are all down as you know. Is there any way I can get into the group? Let me know if there's a way I can PM you.

Not at this time. Soon we hope.

Hi Luc, I completely messed up the panic dive of the Alt-Coins. I got out on most of my coins break-even. So maybe not a complete loss but I didn't gain anything. It was because I didn't take BTC into consideration. I was just looking at the average panic and buying in big when it reached that point. Well my entries just didn't make any sense at all when BTC went to the moon.

So basically I'm entering the next level you talked about, but now I'm in a zone where I'm not confident in the average panic because it doesn't mean anything when there are bigger things going on in either the fundementals or from the sentiment analysis.

I'm trying to understand your process when a panic is happening. How do you figure out why the panic is happening and how do you use that information to determine your entries?

Sometimes you can't figure out why a panic is happening, but what you can see is how the people react to it by looking at the volume. Usually when you see something drop in price, a lot of volume come with it but sometimes you will see a drop that had little volume involved. This is not really a panic yet because it was most like 1 person that just sold their position. So if you see a price drop below the base, just look at the volume. If the volume is low, keep watching it as it might continue to keep dropping until it panics the holders. You will literally see people selling tons of bitcoin on the order history and this should tell you that this is indeed the panic.

Now how to know where to buy in a drop/panic. The price should keep dropping until it hits a lower support line and bounce back up. Best thing I like to do is put a buy order.
for example if you see this chart, the yellow line represents your base, the violet line represents the last base and is the area you want to buy . Anything below that is just a gift . You really want to buy some there if you can. You can see in the light blue I circled the volume that shows a lot was sold. Without that volume I wouldn't participate because that is telling me there are no buyers at all since it was able to drop so low in price without much volume. Always pay attention to the volume because low volume usually leads to the price dropping even further until the the real panic happens.

Hello Luc,

In advance, sorry for my bad english, i'm French :)

Thank you for your videos, i'm a beginner in crypto trading and its help a lot.

I have invested 7.000 euros in my account during the last 3 months and today i'm at 9.000 euros (1000 euros are due to 10 ETH bought some months ago).

So after seeing your videos i tried position trading, but i don't have any strategy. I draw my base, i saw a panic mouvement i buy some, but how many should i buy ? 10% of my all money on the first fall and 10% the other one ect.. ?

I don't really know how much i should buy, and if there is another opportunity how can i manage it ? (% bouying and split, increase your buying during the falldown...)

Have you some advise and exemples on how you will position trading and manage it with 10.000$ for exemple ? Have you specifics rules ?

Thank you and have a good night.


Hi kevber, I'm not Luc but here are some of Luc's responses that you can take into consideration. These are comments on other questions on this blog:

  • "Only trade 10% of your account at any given time if your worried about getting struck by lightning. "

  • "Buy no more than 25% of your account in one position. That being said, if you learn to read charts, you will almost never have a bad trade, therefore on the rare occasion when it does turn the wrong way, you won’t mind taking the small loss and jumping into the next trade without hiccup. "

  • In one of his video's he explains that he trades with only 10% of his bankroll. Which he says is quite a small percentage for his size.

  • Luc also mentioned to start small if you're new to trading. Yes you have 10,000 euros but if you don't have any experience it's safer to start with less money and build up from there.

So for example. You have 10,000. Use €1000 and divide that in 3 coins. So €333 per coin. Don't buy one €333 position but layer in in your order. So for example an €30 nibble, €100 nice position and €203 final position (this is just an example you have to play with these numbers)

yes if you use €333 and you made all the right calls you can make around €80 per trade (25% trade). Which isn't a lot considering you probably won't make all the right calls in the beginning and because position trades don't happen everyday. It's all to get a hang of the method. Please don't throw €10,000 on a few trades just because you see Luc having success. Everything looks easy if an expert is doing it.

I think you explained it very well for a lot of people! upvote

Hi Freshprince, thank you for the answer and the advise, this help a lot.
I will try to apply this way.

Thanks for the awesome tool Luc and the programming team. Already using the tool and slack app.

By the way, how can you calculate a base in a bot? Isn't that graphical?


Hey man,

A graph is just a visual representation of numbers. So before a graph is visual it is hard data. Value / Time.

First of all, there are muuuuuuuultiple ways of doing this. Scanning every hour linearly (hour 1 then 2 then 3, etc) and saving the index where it drops, then adding to a list of possible bases. Using that method you'd have to see if the next bounce is higher, and if it could possibly be added to the previous one. Scanning sections of the data only, increasing/decreasing your time frame on each run. Which is the one I'll try and explain below.

This is a very high level explanation there will be lots of caveats as @quickfingersluc 's method gets more descriptions and community additions. The one thing I took away from @quickfingersluc is that a base is more solid when qualified by a "nice" bounce (Nice here being your definition, but usually determined by previous bases looking at 2 months data).

So the way I would calculate a base is checking what the average gain is over different time periods. You could do a basic check to see if there's a possibility of a base checking data at hour[1] against data at hour[24] if it has a decent gain you flag that as possible base, you then move the index one to the right checking [2] and [25], you keep doing this and finding possibilities of bases.

After this there are multiple ways you can qualify bases even further I'll list a few below with very very short descriptions.

  1. Has it touched base? Seeing a base being touched and a bouncing back up is always a good indicator of a solid base (I think, I'm also still new)
  2. Time spent abover base? How much time passed for the arc to get back down to the base. If it's 3 hours is that really a base or just some volatile movements in the coins value.
  3. I'm sure there are more but I can't think of it.

At this point you want to check bases that occur in quick succession of each other and combine them using loosely defined rules and run the function over the combined ones again with bigger and smaller timeframes, this will make sure the bounces belong together or if they're separate. If you find a bounce you then use your rules above to qualify the base and so on.

You keep checking all the hourly data and refining your algorithm and at some point you'll get a nice base checker. But as I said there are numerous ways of finding the base (As spoken of by Luc). Since he doesn't have a complete solid way of defining a base we can't have one either. It's up to you how you want to interpret the data. Your software will have the same level of "understanding" of the concept as you have :)

I hope this helps, dm me on the slack channel @danemackier if you want some more info.

I've been looking for a reason to join slack, this just did it.

Thank you for this information! Just joined the Slack group.

I spent the whole day going through your whole blogs. There's a lot of new things I learnt here.

I've never have any TA background but your way of explaining things make it easy to understand.

So far for the past 1year I've bought and hold few crypto after doing some research. Never really trade other than occasionally using built in ShapeShift on my wallets.

Your lessons gave me confidence to start trading safely. Cannot wait to open exchanges accounts and start trading and see how it'll be for me.

I'll try to influence and teach my friends and family once I've learned the rope well enough.

Great job @quickfingersluc :)

You don't know how lucky you are to not have gone down the TA rabbit hole. You will probably find your way into profitability well before most people do.

Technical Analysis

Technical Analysis

Luc, what do you think of the anecdotal idea that the more people know about a thing, the less likely it is to be successful?

I.e., if every crypto trader were looking for bases, would there be any bases? Would there be bases, but we'd all cannibalize each other fighting for the better fills on entry/exit?

Just too much money involved for it to make a difference?


The counter argument is that the more people learn a strategy to do "a thing", the more likely that they will implement that strategy incorrectly. I use texas holdem as my example, in the poker community people are constantly complaining about the high level education services that players can opt into. But the reality is these services actually pump up the poker economy and churn out players who misapply the concepts. Trading is exactly the same, its good for the economy to educate new traders to help keep them in action - but the majority of these newly educated traders will misapply the concepts regardless.

TLDR: Nothing to worry about, information wants to be free!